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  1. realbud

    Soil and Bubbleponic CFL grow

    Nice to c ur grow man!!! i was planning on doing a grow like this, but i was doubting about it b-cus i never saw a hydro done with cfl in a small room. Now that i have seen urs i definitely convinced to start a grow too. But do you have a EC meter(i only have a ph-M). Anywayz Subscribed! Peace...
  2. realbud

    12 days left, bananas appearing ?

    yeah you are right seasmoke, hermi's always makes 100% feminized seeds. thats why i dont kill them(you could use the seeds in the futere). but it's always ur own choise if u let it grow or chop her BALLS OFF!!! lol peace brovas
  3. realbud

    how long should you veg a cloan after the 2 weeks it takes to root!

    if u want a regular size i would say 2 to 4 for weeks, but like anybody else told you really depends on you, if you want to grow them tall , remember that while flower they still grow a couple of inches peace bro
  4. realbud

    How long ya think *pics*

    i would wait another week, and then cut it. why? the THC is already clouding, if u wait another week take a look again with ur scope. then you can judge peace bro
  5. realbud

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hey o= High= o is this ur mom? she is really going good, but what is the blue hose going into the pot for? is it for air or is it for nutes?
  6. realbud

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i have a question for you. do you know whats wrong with my baby? she is standing outoors
  7. realbud


    nice grow man respect
  8. realbud

    Fimming With My Blaze: A Complete How to FIM Guide

    when a new growth tip grows, can i fim the branch again? srry noob
  9. realbud

    lemon and super silver haze grow with cfl's

    did you flower them with cfl?