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  1. shanando

    Happy Father's Day--G3000 300W LED Giveaway

    U.S.A. Thanks for the opportunity @Spiderfarmerled
  2. shanando

    Dad's Plant Contest--Spider Farmer

    Hi @Spiderfarmerled thanks for the opportunity #sfgrow
  3. shanando

    Mars Hydro -The Giveaway for Smart Led FC-E4800, please join us~

    This is my 4th run. Day 41 Grand Daddy Purple Auto from ILGM. First super cropping. She really took a stretch in the last few days.
  4. shanando

    Mars Hydro -The Giveaway for Smart Led FC-E4800, please join us~

    #marshydrosmartgrowsystem @Brad104 @Logangirl