Search results

  1. Dr.Ernie

    Metal Cabinet - Paint to use?

    Hey guys, I have a big metal cabinet that I used for my first grow, covered with emergency blanket material. It worked okay, but a few tears happened after I moved around my reflector and I'm sick of fixing it. So I was wondering, what kind of paint I need to paint on top the metal? I know I...
  2. Dr.Ernie

    Browning cola ends

    I'll get some pics posted up tomorrow, didn't get a chance to buy some batteries tonight. So that might make it easier on you guys to determine the prob. I don't think I left them go too long, really I may have chopped them a little early (due to the browning situation, kind of panicked). Pretty...
  3. Dr.Ernie

    Browning cola ends

    Hey guys, So after a whole summer's work and care, I began flushing the plants of ferts last week. They were looking fine until recently. It seems like top of the colas turned a very nasty-looking brown and touching them they were very dry and "crispy". I decided to chop yesterday anyway and...
  4. Dr.Ernie

    Disproportionate growing - Help!

    Well, I guess the picture doesn't do justice. One plant is considerably further away from the CFLs compared to the other. And I know for CFLs to work at their best, they need to be close to the plants. Well they're not fully reaching the smaller plant.
  5. Dr.Ernie

    Disproportionate growing - Help!

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some major help. I've got two plants growing from bagseed, and I'm having problems controlling the growth of one vs the other. Because CFLs need to be close to the plants, I'm struggling to keep my "reflector" close to one plant as it's very small and bushy compared to...
  6. Dr.Ernie

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    So after going out shopping, I've had problems finding an air filter. It seems most of them don't have the added plastic piece used to clamp the ducting to it. For example, all the Fram air filters I saw in stores that had the cone shape were completely flat on the other end (no place to clamp...
  7. Dr.Ernie

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    Wow, very smart idea. I was actually just going to get all the parts for a diy carbon filter, but this one seems much less complicated. Thanks for saving me time and money! +Rep to you!
  8. Dr.Ernie

    did anybody else have a problem

    Yea, the site was down for a few hours.
  9. Dr.Ernie

    Electrical/Reflector Question - Safe?

    Hey guys, I'm building a piece to hold the lights for my cab grow, and I was wondering if this is safe (see pictures). The lights are in one of these...
  10. Dr.Ernie

    Wiring question

    Hey all, I just want to make sure what I'm planning is safe. Can I use one of these fixtures...
  11. Dr.Ernie

    GUYS VS. GIRLS ! Who will win. You decide !

    guys - 445
  12. Dr.Ernie

    this was my harvest.. HQ PIC SUPER BIG

    The pic's a little too big to fully appreciate all that nice looking bud, but good job! Looks great, enjoy!
  13. Dr.Ernie

    Buyer Beware: Northwest Glass Art/Dodo Glass

    Hey guys, So a user recently posted a link to site,, that offered very low prices on glass pieces (compared to most head shops). I looked through the website a bit, and when I read the "about us" section, there were some similarities to Northwest Glass Art...
  14. Dr.Ernie

    700plant Grow Op Raided

    Wow, that's nuts. So anyone's home can get raided off a tip from a suspicious neighbor? I'm not sure I understand the gun laws in the states. If you're growing and have registered guns safely stored away in a locked cabinet/safe, they can still charge you with a felony? On a side note...
  15. Dr.Ernie

    Weird question - Look at my ballast

    Hm, I wish that was the case. There's only one switch behind the box, and I'm guessing that's a power cutoff switch.
  16. Dr.Ernie

    Weird question - Look at my ballast

    Thanks, that's what I suspected but wanted to make sure! +rep
  17. Dr.Ernie

    Weird question - Look at my ballast

    Hey guys, I had a ballast laying around from a long while ago, but I'm a bit confused over the label on it. It says 250 Watt HPS/MH output on it, does this mean either bulb at 250 Watt will work with it? Or do I need a conversion bulb for either one that's a lower wattage? I included a picture...
  18. Dr.Ernie

    Headache from weed?

    I would second this. After a long night's sleep, your body can get considerably dehydrated. Some people will jump directly in a hot shower after waking up and feel faint due to dehydration. The best thing to do is to rehydrate yourself an hour or so before bed time (so you're not waking up at...
  19. Dr.Ernie

    Just bought a new piece...but unsure how to use it?

    Not my video, but this should help: