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  1. S

    Finishing My First Grow !

    I recently just harvested my bud 1 thunderfuk, hawaiin mango, and Og kush. They flowered for exactly 9 weeks before they were chopped and personaly i should have waited longer. Something i noticed, and will from now on in follow, is pay close attention to how much stress a plant can take while...
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    Organic OG kush

    very nice i have one of each sour mango and OG Kush heres my pics.:weed:
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    Any way to sex a plant before flowering?

    Totaly agree w u dude. what happen to preflowers???? Heres what bud look like if you let them veg preflowers two to three weeks left!! cant wait.
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    87 days flowering. are they ready yet

    that is deff. a hermi issue had something similar in looks on one of my plants. i was sittin on a 3.5 oz Manatuskan thunderfuk plant roughly 2 weeks before its harvest and went hermi due to its light cycle. If i was u i would harvest now to save your crop from getting millions of seeds, just...
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    420 harvest

    Mine will be ready on the 10th, 1 hawaiin mango, one bubba kush, and one og kush, the mantanuskan thunderfuk turned hermie on me i think from to much stress; it pissed me off had 3 oz on her when she went tranny and only 2 weeks left to go...3 days to hang and 4 days of curing should get me...
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    Help please plant turned hermie roughly 2 weeks from harvest????????????

    could i just harvest it there barley any seeds on it at all, maybe 10 total on just one bud only????????Professional help only please
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    Help please plant turned hermie roughly 2 weeks from harvest????????????

    My Alaskan thunderfuk turned hermie roughly 2 weeks from harvest and im clueless on what to do????? Should i cut it so i dont jeapordise the rest of the crop??? or just let it go..i only have 1 hps light so i dont see any bennifets on moving it because theres no additional light. Someone please...
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    Six weeks into flower 2 OG Kush 1 Hawaiin Mango, 1 Alaskan thunkderfuk

    I like my trichs mostly cloudy with few amber trichs, more of a cleaner high.
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    Six weeks into flower 2 OG Kush 1 Hawaiin Mango, 1 Alaskan thunkderfuk

    These are six weeks into flowering and im going to wait till 8 and half weeks to harvest. They are grown in Mg Soil and nuted with Fox Farm Trio, under a 400 wt hps light w/growbrite bulb. Let me know what you guys think its my first grow.
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    ? Philips plant&aquarium bulbs

    i use them for veg only 6 of them actually but mine are the GE brand plant and aquarium. A wide spectrum bulb like these are the greatest for veg cause the produce a balanced spectrum for the early growth of the plant but there not reconmended for flowering due to lack of lumens 10k lumens per...
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    First time grow 3.5 wks into flower

    would have gotten a better yeild probably if i started in some organic soil and not mg but its hard to find in my area.
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    First time grow 3.5 wks into flower one???
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    First time grow 3.5 wks into flower

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    First time grow 3.5 wks into flower

    More pics....................................
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    First time grow 3.5 wks into flower

    First time grow 3.5 weeks into flowering 1 alaskan thunderfuck, 2 OG Kush, and 1 Hawaiin mango. These are not topped plants for the sole factor of me hopefully getting 1 big ass cola. I lolipopped 1 Og Kush for a trial. All critiscm please to help improve the next and many more!!
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    Reflectorized Lamps?!?*#?

    Havent seen those B4, i would personaly buy the Grow bright bulb for the additional lumens and blue spectrum increase they are a great bulb if runnin the 400watt system!! good luck
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    Im in need of some advice on nutri.

    No Prob......STAY GREEN GROWx!