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    DIY E-Nail

    Quartz Nails -
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    DIY E-Nail

    You can get drop downs on ioffer for $20 vs $40-50 from other people.
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    Vape Pens - KISS cart, Okeanos, KISS Globe, Hercules, etc. The first 3 have ceramic wicks which in turn gives you great flavor. The Hercules is more for 'power users' since you'll need a good .5-1g on your first load. If you want something real cheap but reliable, you could go with a Atmos Jr...
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    DIY E-Nail

    SUPER cheap quartz nails -
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    Cannibis Oil Tincture Pill?

    What's the purpose of the cornstarch in your capsules? Also could you tell me how many ml of coconut oil/hash oil would be needed to fill 50 (00) capsules?
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    DIY E-Nail

    Any update on the nails?
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    DIY E-Nail

    New DIY Analog guide for anyone that is interested - I made a few of these last week just to try it out. Works pretty good if you're on a budget.
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    DIY E-Nail

    Do you have any pictures of the interchangeable male/female adapters?
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    DIY E-Nail

    How much does your e-nail overshoot by? Also does it glow red after you turn it on or does it slowly heat up then dim down? If you're using the D-nail coils, you should jump on reddit and test out the PID settings people posted up. Here's something I got online that might help - if it...
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    DIY E-Nail

    Check that you have it set to the right thermocouple for the coil (K or J) and make sure you have it set to Fahrenheit. Otherwise your PID settings are a bit off.
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    DIY E-Nail

    What brand PID are you using? Is it a mypin? If it is, you're not suppose to use the autotune function at all. It can and will blow out your coil from what I've heard..
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    DIY E-Nail

    If you're thinking of buying the Nail from him for $60, you should check out eBay. You could pick up 1 for $25-30
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    DIY E-Nail

    This diagram might be a bit easier to follow. It's directly from the reddit DIY post.
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    DIY E-Nail

    He must've been high when he posted that or meant celcius or the best temperature for weed...I hope lol. Regardless he does say THE TEMP WILL GO BETWEEN 200F ~ 1200F which is what I'm looking for. I'm not fully backing this yet since I haven't been able to try it but for $150 (I paid $100 during...
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    DIY E-Nail

    Yeah I can't really comment on the ceramic nails but comparing the 2 units, domeless still looks like they put way more work into the e-nails. vs
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    DIY E-Nail has one that doesn't seem as generic and is way cheaper too. I should be getting mine in soon so I can't really say anything about the function. Original preorder price was $100 but its $150 now. Still a really good deal compared to all the other analogs out there going for $200-400..
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    DIY E-Nail

    You might've purchased the wrong PID. From my understanding you need a TA4-SSR not the SNR.
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    DIY E-Nail

    You'll need a coil with a 5/8' ID 1/2" H. Lmk if you need one, I have a few extra I can sell for $70 including shipping. Paypal address has to be verified but they are k thermocouple, 120/250w, silicone sheathing cover, 5 ft length, 3x3 mm, with XLR connectors. Do you have every other part? If...
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    Recovering oil

    thanks for the link justugh! ill read through it and try something soon once i can get my hands on some everclear.. thanks vacpurge ill probably try that on some but probably going to still need to do the ethanol wash cause most of the papers are soaked in oils along the edges. also do you guys...
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    Recovering oil

    Does anyone know if it's safe for me to wash parchment paper covered in bho with everclear? I have a good amount stuck on a bunch of papers that are pretty hard to scrape off without getting it all over my hands. I also plan on putting the everclear/bho into the freezer for 48 hrs to winterize...