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  1. N

    is this place legit?

    im talking about i already know rollitup is bomb as hell lol
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    is this place legit?

    it seems like it would be but the website is kinda rinky dink
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    is this place legit?
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    is attempting hydro a dumb idea for someones first grow?
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    looking for any help with setup

    I think i found a t5 that would fit nicely in there. When choosing which bulbs to put in the t5 it gives me an option of (4)3000k , (4)6500k, or 2 of each. I know that 3000k provide higher output in the red spectrum which promotes flowering and 6500k are full spectrum which promote overall...
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    looking for any help with setup

    Im sorry but what is a T5?
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    looking for any help with setup

    hey guys, i am pretty much looking to build or buy a stealth setup for a closet . The setup could be about 2 ft wide and up to around 3-4ft in height. Gonna use cfls cause they seem to be the safest, and would like to do anything possible to contain smell. Would it be best to just attempt to...
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    looking for any ideas

    Hey guys I am looking to do a stealth grow in a closet inside of a dresser with cfls or leds. Is there a cheap way to deal with odor?, only lookin to grow 1 plant or mother at least maybe 2 at most, does an ozone generator work really well?
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    Could We Make a Weed Religion?

    If you have seen the movie religulous, the guy he interviews from Amsterdam has a religion based on weed. I think it might have something to do with mushrooms too.
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    First Grow

    Is growing on the bank of a pond a bad idea?
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    First Grow

    Thanks for all the replies! I will definitely grow outdoors! A friend linked me a website where he has gotten successful seeds shipped to him and now I am trying to decide on which seeds to pick. Where I got confused at is for outdoor growing they would give a "harvest month". Is this just the...
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    First Grow

    Wanting to grow 1-4 plants and have a choice of indoor and outdoor locations, wondering which would be ideal for growing good high yield bud.