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  1. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    well i'm not trying to have anything that big... i'm trying to keep this on the down low, and i don't mind going around like once a week, oh and the creek has a brand spanking new fence, and its a half a mile away
  2. akwanemesis420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hmm.... ok, sounds intriguing, got any pictures, we like pictures, especailly from the tops of tall trees. Not sure what you are going to do with the seltzer water? VV well i'm still in the germination stage and if you guyys want a picture of the spot i have, maybe you can give me some...
  3. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    no, i'm just trying to limit the amount of attention to the spot. it should have the capacity that it could be filled once a month.
  4. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    this is my irrigation system that i'm constructing to keep my plants on almost autopilot. it's just a blueprint. I'm going to post pictures when i make it.
  5. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    OK so today I'm acquiring more seeds, so maybe my goal of 48 will become a reality! How come nobody wants to post some help for me?
  6. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    This is the initial design for the irrigation system.... tell me what you think!
  7. akwanemesis420

    Akwas 2009 season (NEWB)

    Yo; sup it's your man Akwa (sorry but i have to spell it like that or else some people end up calling me acooa.) This is my first full out grow, i am on the latitude i think of 26 degrees. (south florida) and i have a grow buddy. The last time we grew, we had acquired four plants in one pot, and...
  8. akwanemesis420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi! I'm new to the whole botany thing, my last time growing, I had a very irresponsible grow partner when worse time came; so the moral is, four of the most beautiful plants i have ever seen are now dead. So now that it's the 2009 grow season here in florida, I'm trying again, with a completely...