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  1. percussive_toke

    400 watts too risky?

    you really think so. i guess it seems alright. it just seems like alot. next time i get some cash, here i come 400 watts. new ballast!
  2. percussive_toke

    400 watts too risky?

    alright, so i have a few cfl's and the cfl's in the aerogarden. i also have a 75 W hps, security light. i would like to get a bigger hps. i know a micro or mini grow usually would just call for a 75 w hps or something. but iv also read alot of things where people use like 400 w hps. would that...
  3. percussive_toke

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    i am using fox farm grow big hydroponic nutes, and fox farm big bloom nutes. first time to use them. everything is going great right now for not haveing a ppm pen or anything. wish me luck.
  4. percussive_toke

    The AeroGarden

    haha thats funny man. i have six plants groing in my aero right now. it was seven but i think the seventh got kinda stuck and it molded before i noticed it couldnt get out. i also have two other soil babies. pics soon. -stay possitive- TOKE:joint: :peace: :joint:
  5. percussive_toke

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    well, i know the molasses has had alot of thiga goin for it in the weed world. but i was reading a groq journal. the guy had a homemade aero-ponics system, pretty badass. he tried to use molasses. and the shit all got super clogged and bubbles-n-foam. a big mess. also, it clogged the pumps...
  6. percussive_toke

    CFL vs FLORO vs HPS

    yeah i get your point on that, about the cfl's being a good matchup to the hps. i never really thought about how close it would probably be. im using both. but should i maybe just not use my hps until flower. like cfl's for veg, then both for flower? or just both the whole time? anybody let me...
  7. percussive_toke

    HELP!phone rapair guy comin.

    i liked the sound of piling boxes and shit all around it. also, i know nobody likes the sound of cutting there lights off sparatically. but if you could shut them off just before he gets there. and just turn them on once he leaves. that plus the junk piled should seem totally normal. and having...
  8. percussive_toke

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    hey everyone. i ordered the AG about 10 days ago and got it like yesterday. so i have it all set up but now im germinating some seeds. they're all just bag seeds. but i kinda like the idea of the variety. i plan on getting some real strains eventually. and i need to get some ff nutes. the way...
  9. percussive_toke

    help determining preflowers??

    yeah, that looks somewhat right. iv seen pics but i guess it seemed like hairs until i took those close-ups. now im pretty sure its side growth. i guess ill just keep hopin. i know i said iv only been flowering for like six days but its kinda been about 8 or 9. im gonna double check make sure no...
  10. percussive_toke

    help determining preflowers??

    damn, it just so happens that i picked all the blurry ones. one more time now.
  11. percussive_toke

    help determining preflowers??

    alrighty, i havent done this before with the pictures, but here goes. these are two dif plants. now that i look at the close ups i kinda think this is just leaves also. but im hopin for hairs. i also know that 2 plants doesnt give me very good odds. but im also about to get the aerogarden in...
  12. percussive_toke

    help determining preflowers??

    well see, i have pics, lots even. i fuckin lost my usb cord at my friends house this last weekend. give me a min. im bout to scower my room. thanx, brb
  13. percussive_toke

    help determining preflowers??

    ok, so i have three plants right now. i had kinda a bunch more but id say at least four of the younger ones died. way bad nute. burn. but anyways, i have the three. they have been in flowering for about 6 days now. the youngest is too young to tell, and prob too young to flower (oh well)...
  14. percussive_toke

    Paranoid or what?

    yeah, iv only been a member on here maybe a week. but iv gotten one message like that. said the same thing. ill put some pics up as soon as i find my damn usb cable. -stay possitive, love your life-:eyesmoke: