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  1. panda13

    Nutrient question.

    its not necessarily a mag deficiency . I wouldn't panic
  2. panda13

    Vegging plants with issues

    You need to check the runoff regularly. Thats how you monitor and control your grow. Read this guide and explanation on feeding plants in coco. :hump:
  3. panda13

    Vegging plants with issues

    you are cooking them. whats the EC of your runoff right now ??
  4. panda13

    Carbon filter

    have you considered re-marrying ?
  5. panda13

    Unhappy looking plant please advise

    You'll sort it out bro. few small tweaks and she'll be rockin/
  6. panda13

    Unhappy looking plant please advise

    sounds like a plan also as mentioned up there a pot riser or something would be good to lift em up a little of the floor
  7. panda13

    Unhappy looking plant please advise

    more just wondering. The plant to me looks like its underwatered.
  8. panda13

    Unhappy looking plant please advise

    why are the lights are on 24 hours ?
  9. panda13

    Aussie Growers Thread

    gday fuckers. from Freo WA. good to see some fellow strayans about
  10. panda13

    Extending veg time

    im confused . what exactly are you sayin here ?
  11. panda13

    How much can i get?

    that thing needs an inline fan
  12. panda13

    What stage am i?advice on training techniques

    you're at the gonna have to buy weed from the dispensary stage. veg your plants longer and you will get way more yield
  13. panda13

    Is that tacoing? sf1000d non-dimmable light

    Id set the light at 24" . 18 is full par for a photo at around 600umol.
  14. panda13

    LST am I doin this shit right?

    that's 50 shades of green. let her know who's boss
  15. panda13

    Diagnosing deficiency help

    yeah bro they look really hungry
  16. panda13

    Is my seedling alright?

    looks good bro. good advice from the buddha. Its much easier to start simple with basic essential nutrients. You will learn to add things if and when necessary. starting with 10 bottles of magic syrup you have no baseline and no idea what the hell is doing what and why.
  17. panda13

    Runoff ec spiking

    you could try adding watering events. I grow in 3 gallon pots and Im at 5 waterings a day week 4 flower. less more often works better at stabilizing EC.
  18. panda13

    Runoff ec spiking

    need more info. could be. could be the temperature is higher and your losing more water to evaporation. could be your watering frequency
  19. panda13

    aerate water?

    ive done grows with and without . There was no discernible difference .