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  1. L

    my first grow.

    my plant died a light bulb fell on it and burned the leaves off and most of the plant was broken down.
  2. L

    my first grow.

    Yea i think i over watered it.its not cemet on the rim its dried soil.its a crippy or red seed i forgot which one it is cause i mixed the seeads up that i have by accedent.i'm using florescent light bulbs as a light source.
  3. L

    my first grow.

    day 1 day 2
  4. L


    wat u meen a medical state
  5. L


    i'm not a cop just a nigga trying to get his high on.
  6. L


    i want seeds any one no where i could get some that is not from the internet.
  7. L

    different strains of seeds

    how do tell different strains apart afrom each other? :spew: