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  1. G

    Im confused with this PRE-FLOWER JAZZ!??

    Fourth picture looks like it could be a male.
  2. G

    Northern Lights first Cabinet, Suggestions.

    You should always fill your pots or cups right up to the top--and make sure there are holes in the bottom of the cup and along the lower sides of the cup. Why would you have your seedling pots only half-full of soil??
  3. G

    First time using FOX FARM!!

    Nice setup, but the plants look terrible! Seriously.
  4. G

    First grow. Day 48 of flower. Pics.

    Nice grow! How many months did you veg before 12/12? I had a similar crop on my last grow (lots of huge sticky potent buds). I usually veg for three months and flower for ten weeks.
  5. G

    Going skiing for 8 days...plants are 30 days into flowering!

    Hello. I think you should just give them a heavy watering before you go on your trip. Eight days is NOT too long for your plants to go without water. I am assuming you are growing in soil?
  6. G

    2ND cfl grow, lots of changes

    Hi everyone: Not sure if I am posting this correctly. This is my first grow. Two Females under a dome of 18 fluorescent tubes. Mixed. Some cool white, some soft white, some grolux--all mixed up. Also 9 cfls scattered in between and on the ends. The tubes are 4 ft. The seeds came out of an old...