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  1. dre@ded1

    HELP - I need somebody - dry sprout..

    I had a feeling i'd messed up already. I dug around the seed and found it was dry right down, so checked the seed - it's head dry, so I covered it and watered it and checked it 24 hours later to confirm it had died. I've always had them pop up within 3 days myself, after that they haven't...
  2. dre@ded1

    HELP - I need somebody - dry sprout..

    I was just overly causious, I've been overwatering seedlings recently which has stunted their growth. I've flushed and completely dried the cheap garden shop soil, removed the bark chunks and added plently of perlite/vermiculite. I think the problem was that it became far too light and dried too...
  3. dre@ded1

    HELP - I need somebody - dry sprout..

    Next time has arrived...the seeds just came in, along with my ship ( fame here I come). Yet another 2 day delivery from pickandmixseeds :clap:. So now i'm germing both. The Purple Jem (Mossy's Jem) is regular, so, on the plus side, if I do end up with a male i can cross it with the...
  4. dre@ded1

    HELP - I need somebody - dry sprout..

    Well, thanks for all your help... Joking aside, for anyone who's interested, and to waste the time of those of you bastards who so selfishly arn't, my flo died. To turn a negative into a positive I orded another Orginal Flo AND a 'Purple Jem' and had a wank :-P
  5. dre@ded1

    HELP - I need somebody - dry sprout..

    Wondered if anyone has any experience with this... I recently purchased a single seed from pick 'n' mix - Original Flo - cost £15 including postage, received less than 2 days later (typical), germinated and planted. Unfortunatly in my over zelious attempt to prevent over watering i've dried it...
  6. dre@ded1

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Too late, subject changed. Firstly you suggest that people go to america for private healthcare. This really isn't a fact. In britain and in other the countries i have vistited there is still private healthcare. These services can be used, if there is any arguement as to the quality of services...
  7. dre@ded1

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    Operation 420, let's not change the subject, but you should be careful discussing masonary, as there is a danger that you might apply it to everything. Like god, masonary can be used to explain what we do not understand. The truth is available, and it isn't as simple as 'because masons wanted it...
  8. dre@ded1

    Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

    I must say that i am completly appauled at what i'm reading. From arguing over mccain/obama to the links to heavley biased writings - 'Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics' posted by a member named 'theawfultruth' or something, and people with george bush as their avatar?!?!?. I...