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  1. H

    Scrogging da pineapple.

    I'll keep watching. I don't ever run my clones outside I just never have any luck with them out there. Look like they're starting to get hungry.
  2. H

    Scrogging da pineapple.

    They look nice. How old are they?
  3. H

    Does the number of fingers per leaf mean anything?

    My outside plants all carry about 10-13 fingers and inside plants 9-11 fingers I always took it as a healthier plant pushing better. Every grow that turns out that way is always a better reflection of a grow that didn't have as many fingers.
  4. H


    Okay thank you for the heads up that makes sense.
  5. H


    Hello sorry for the bother but I was reading the riu tutorial on how to like post and pictures and I noticed the like icon but when I click on it or hover over it or hold it it never gives me the option to like it, it pulls it up for me to copy post, share post or look up like but no option to...
  6. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    Thanks I usually do them out in the yard but am tearing that section of deck off after this grow so I said why not run them up here this time.
  7. H

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  8. H

    Outdoor grow 2024

    Doing good, the two front ones have been topped once and the back one got super cropped they're all doing really well and I am looking forward to the start of the stretch to start here in a few weeks.