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  1. Cannabassador

    Cannabis Inc on CNBC on now

    Pretty cool to see all the bud on corporate news.... some propaganda smearers on there though... its on til 12pm est.
  2. Cannabassador

    funny "anti-marijuana ad"

    i saw this a couple minutes ago and spat my water all over my keyboard... maybe im just baked :blsmoke:
  3. Cannabassador


    oh yeah forgot to mention the fans... you can get SMALL inline fans (which is really all you need since the cool tube is what ? 2 cubic feet? haha) for 39 dollars a piece... all this should keep your environment nice and comfy for your new girls =) the key to having a good setup on a student...
  4. Cannabassador


    Sounds about right to me chief! If I wasn't on kind of a tight budget I might do something like this... put one of these cool tubes inside of regular enclosed light housing(glass on the bottom with 2 holes for intake and exhaust) with a curved reflector... run the light to a remote...
  5. Cannabassador


    A very nice hydro shop here called Organically Grown.. 400 watt HPS for $189.. only problem is its an enclosed ballast so it's going to get hot, but it has a 4 inch vent hookup so I can vent directly from the lamp.
  6. Cannabassador

    Check my Trich's - First grow - Day 17 : 12/12

    looking good my man! about average to show trichs, depending on the strain.
  7. Cannabassador


    Buds look awesome! Nice work, i think it's safe to say all your hard work paid off... I'll be starting my first DWC as soon as I get my seeds in the mail (12xHindu Kush from dr.chronic), i'll be using a set-up similar to yours.. 6 site rubbermaid tote 2x 30gal airpumps, 2x 6in bubbledisc...
  8. Cannabassador

    Looking to get a hydro system

    ^oh yeah I build one similar to that for $100 and change
  9. Cannabassador

    Looking to get a hydro system

    -- That would work.. But for initial start up you could make a DWC(deep water culture) which basically is a rubber maid with 2-8 4 inch holes cut in the top, filled with water and nutrients. All you need for this set-up is : 1) 20gal Rubbermaid (not see-through) 2) 2-8 Net pots (look like...
  10. Cannabassador

    CFL Stealth Bubbleponic Perpetual SOG Lowlife Auto & Full Size Grow Idea w/ LS

    well sounds good, you going to make a journal? If I can get my camera back from my ex i'll make a journal for the grow i just started.... but that's a big IF.
  11. Cannabassador

    CFL Stealth Bubbleponic Perpetual SOG Lowlife Auto & Full Size Grow Idea w/ LS

    What sized totes are you planning on using? 20gals? sounds like a good idea to me... I'm about to start a DWC myself, have 8 seeds in germ atm and 2 clones in rockwool almost ready to go. I plan on rigging up a CO2 diffuser to my airpump... something like a 2 liter bottle with yeast sugar...
  12. Cannabassador

    Who Likes Reggae?? who likes some feel good gunjah music?

    Yeah new england/new york is terribly overpriced.. maybe thats why the people are so uptight. I grew up in the midwest (KC) and i've lived up here since 06 and its still kind of hard to adjust to.. there are chill people, but theres probably 20 uptight people to every chill person. you should...
  13. Cannabassador

    Who Likes Reggae?? who likes some feel good gunjah music?

    I love reggae, some of my favorite acts are Steel Pulse (always a great show no doubt... last time i smoked out in their tour bus with my buddies highlight of my life), Burning Spear, Augustus Pablo (good chill background music for almost any occassion... except maybe sports) Delroy Wilson (some...
  14. Cannabassador

    First CFL Grow Piako Poison

    Good to see you got some 6400k's in there Usually at around the 3rd or 4th set of fan leaves you can start LST About the same time you start LST Start small, but yes you can start adding a 9-8-12, but be careful and start small and see how she reacts to it You should wait another week...
  15. Cannabassador

    Miracle grow

    Just get some Advance Nutrients... All the stuff you need for veg and flowering (they have something called Grow Big for veg and Big Bloom for flowering..
  16. Cannabassador

    13/11 lighting????

    Don't think i will delay it much.. if you continued doing 11/13 youd probably get bigger buds, but less resinous buds... Because from my understanding during the 'light' period the plant actually grows, and in the 'dark' period it produces it's resin glands (or trichs) because it sweats out all...
  17. Cannabassador

    I just burped up smoke is that normal?

    ya u swallowed when u took a hit lol.. not bad for u really. just tastes stale =\
  18. Cannabassador

    Sativa or Indica

    i'm sure you have if you've ever smoked schwag.. most of it's sativa. unfortunately its usually try and full of seeds :sad:
  19. Cannabassador

    Sativa or Indica

    Definitely Indica heavy, if not a pure indica... Sativa's tend to have thinner leaves, while indicas have rounder fatter leaves... Also Indica's are more bushy, and Sativa's look kind of like Chrismas trees.. (tall and thinner)
  20. Cannabassador

    is this site narc free?

    Who cares, HEY BIG BROTHER! :)