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  1. D

    Leaves dying, I am scared that the buds are next (week4 of flowering)

    Hey guys, I have two plants that started out as clones. They are in 3 gallon pots of Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Right now they are about 5 weeks into flowering and I am just starting to see baby THC crystals form on the leaves surrounding the buds. The problem is that the leaves slowly start...
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    Leaves dying randomly durring flowering. Please Help!

    Its below 80 degrees in the grow. Also the screen isnt hot, i touch it all the time. What will magnesium do? how will this affect the buds? Thanks again
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    Leaves dying randomly durring flowering. Please Help!

    Hi, I have a problem with my scrog plants. I am growing GDP clones in fox farms soil. Light is 400w HPS. They are have been getting a 2m(.4 tsp)/gal of fox farms tiger bloom. Recently the leaves started dying so i flushed them. 3 days later its worsening. They are abot 4 weeks into flowering...
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    Leaves and stems changing color

    Just an updated pic after 2nd flush.
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    Leaves and stems changing color

    bump for my girls to get better
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    Leaves and stems changing color

    So i made a few air circulation changes. I added a honeywell fan blowing out and 2 4" exhaust ducts with HTG supply fans. How about fox farms grow big or what ever their veg nutrients is called EDIT: I also did the hand test and it was fine, I also raised the light by one chain link. Thanks...
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    Leaves and stems changing color

    the npk is 18 18 21. How would i fix the nute problem? did i do the right thing? As for the heat problem, here is a picture of my overall grow. The light is 24" from the screen and there are two fans passing air over the screen and a duct bringing in some cool air. Its still not the coldest of...
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    Leaves and stems changing color

    Hey guys, I have a problem with my plants. The new growth is coming in a little skinnier than normal and some of the stems on the fan leaves are purple The plants are 4 weeks into veg in a scrog. They are under a 400w mh (24" from screen) with ocean forest soil. The strain is GDP. They were...
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    Abnormal GDP leaves

    Cool man thanks
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    Abnormal GDP leaves

    Hi Guys, I have two GDP clones that are about two weeks old. I topped them a few days ago and now the new shoots on them look a little abnormal. Is it just me or is there something wrong? Thanks
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    problem with clones need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had the same problem. I moved my clones under some cfls for two weeks and they recovered.
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    reflector coverage area

    Hi Guys, I have a 400w HPS lamp and I am about to start a scrog. I just purchased a mini sunsoaker reflector for the light (link) My question is this, how big can the screen be and still have adequate light if my 400w with this reflector is 18" from the screen? Thanks for your help, DJRico
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    Grow box electrical

    @ stealth: I have a spare 250w hps but im going for CFLs because clones have gotten burned by that light. @crazy: that link to your fixture doesnt work.. Can you provide another please :)
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    Grow box electrical

    Hi Guys, I designed a box to use as the veg area in my SOG and i have some questions about the electrical wiring. The box is going to be about 4' tall, 7' wide, and 2' deep. It is going to have 18 (1 per plant) cfls and 2 PC case fans. The frame will be made out of pvc pipes and there lights...
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    Time to renovate...

    Hi guys, I will be moving more plants into a flowering chamber soon and it needs to be renovated in order to accommodate them. The problem in this chamber was originally heat which i fixed by adding and repositioning fans. There will eventually be up to around 6 flowering plants in there at...
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    Sad Plant

    Just an update with pictures
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    Sad Plant

    They are both nirvana snow white feminized (from seed) and i was not using grow big as veg nutrients, I was using tomato food. When it is ready to be watered should i give it some super thrive? Hopefully it will be fine. Cross your fingers.
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    Sad Plant

    It is getting Fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom but this last watering i gave it plain water.
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    Sad Plant

    Hi Guys, I let it sit for a few days and it didnt get better so i dont think its over watered. I also added another fan and gave it some water and no improvements yet. here is a pic
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    Sad Plant

    Hi everyone, I came home to find my plant like this today. I imediatly gave it some water which i hope will do the trick but if you guys have any other suggestions they would be much appreciated. I just started giving it fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom. It is under a 400w hps. I have...