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  1. S

    Light cycle, outside growing

    Yeah man, i think outdoor is defiantly the way to go. I'm thinking how i can get a few weeks of veg inside before moving them out. I just don't want them to die as a youngin. Then again, i just don't know if its worth the risk. Probably yield the same amount of bud if i just shock the seed and...
  2. S

    Light cycle, outside growing

    Damn, yeah i knew it was way longer than growing inside. But you could probably get 6+ foot plants outside no problem. Whats that, like 6 1/2 months of just vegging and not even counting flowering time. Thats sick, but i can't wait that long!
  3. S

    Light cycle, outside growing

    I know the light cycle is different all year around and your location, but it must be close to 12/12. Does that mean it will flower from seed? When would the plant be ready for harvest if i planted in early-mid april? I live in New England.
  4. S

    Almost Ak-47 Harvest Time!!!W/Pics

    So small, yet packed with bud. I could fit two of these in a PC sized grow. Nice man! What lights are you using? 12/12 from seed? What are they like >12''?
  5. S

    Laws in Massachusetts?

    Could you get a mmj card in Massachusetts. It would be about 10x easier just to search the forum as i'm sure theres about 100 threads on this, but everytime i search for something nothing comes up. What would be the best way to do this? I'm assuming you would have to be 18 right?
  6. S

    Help with PC grow design

    Wow ma, that is great thanks for the link. He didn't tell how he ran the regular power cord and hooked up the power strip...
  7. S

    ? with cfl's

    Sounds like a good setup man. Where did you pickup those 47w bulbs?
  8. S

    Starting outside right away?

    Yeah, its really not best, what time of year are you putting it out?
  9. S

    Question, about to setup

    Anyone wanna giveup the secret to what you guys use to actually run the bulb? Like i know people have those splitters. Anyone got a link, i'm off to home depot tomorrow so i would like to know what i am looking for. I was going to use 26w cfls too, if thats any help.
  10. S

    Help with PC grow design

    I have to wait for activation, dambongsmilie
  11. S

    Help with PC grow design

    Yeah, that's what i figured, i do have another power supply thats smaller, but i don't feel like getting it to fit. Now i have to go about sealing it off so no light can escape. Thats going to require a bit of ingenuity and duct tape. Oh, for the lights, hows about a good way to introduce the...
  12. S

    Help with PC grow design

    Just started gutting an old PC, got everything out except the two disk drives and the power supply. I don't know what to do with the power supply tho. If i take it out there is going to be a huge hole, if i leave it in it takes up valuable grow room. I already cut all the wires from the power...
  13. S

    PC case

    Link to said thread? Dug out an old computer today and its huge /threadjack ;)
  14. S

    Anyone want to point me in the right direction?

    I was planning on using t-5 18'' long aquarium lights. However i ran across the CFL forums and thought i should use one or two of these instead of the aquarium lights(as they are only 15w a piece) Heres the deal, i'd want a cfl for flowering as this is going to be 12/12 right from seed and...
  15. S

    Aquarium lights?

    Whats a good idea? 12/12 lighting from the get go or 24? I'd like a quick grow as opposed to a good yielding grow.
  16. S

    Aquarium lights?

    Yeah, 6500k lights? Can you get those at hardware stores? I can only veg them until like 1- 1.5 feet tall? Should i do 12/12 lighting or just 24 because i don't have a timer. All in time though i guess?
  17. S

    Aquarium lights?

    Yeah, i just thought it would not be enough watts, its only 15w? I'm not sure how many lumens or what part of the spectrum its in... All the lights i have now don't work, what color should i get? I could mix two different lights too...
  18. S

    Aquarium lights?

    I can use two, its only until i can up and move everything outside... If i get two, could you possibly recommend the best one i could get for use in an aquarium light fixture?
  19. S

    Aquarium lights?

    I used to have fish tank, would any fish tank lights work excluding metal halide... I have like 18'' 15w T5 light bulbs...