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  1. T

    Flavor-Curing Weed

    ewww dude. Thats gross. Well try putting some apple peels/grape fruit/tangerines this way lol. btw, since most weed you buy isn't cured right anyways, you could just buy a quarter ounce or so, rinse out a jelly jar(barely [for the aroma]) and do the same thing!
  2. T

    too sunny for seedlings?

    Actually, there is. :-| If the plant sprouts from your bedroom light, and you take it outside, it won't be adjusted to the stronger sunlight/winds/tempurature of the outdoor climate. And, germination, is basically making the roots start to form out of the seed. For roots to grow, they also...
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    And remember guys, an insult is an insult, no matter how young/old they are. Respect works both ways.
  4. T


    LOL LOL LOL, don't even listen to this guy, he had a bad day. Thousands and thousands of pounds huh? Is that what makes you a man? I don't think anybody cares about your over exaggerated regular life. Bro, If your mom n' pops let you grow, grow. And while I can't tell you not to grow, don't...
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    lol @ this guy as well... I didn't read anything after I saw the quote about mommy, yadda yadda yadda. Ever heard of a joke?
  6. T

    Flavor-Curing Weed

    it will still taste like "purple" just with a little ZING lol sorry for ressurection O.o
  7. T

    Salvia/MJ cloning/cutting Question

    i'm sure quite a few people can learn from this as well ;) someone should come shed some light on this ;)
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    yeah i just ripped up both my bud plants today after a helicopter was circling around my backyard for nearly 20 minutes.. I have quite a few plants that look similar to weed as well, and that might attract them too.
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    too sunny for seedlings?

    for best results plant them in a red dixie cup, with holes in the bottom. and use potting soil ;) so put the soil in ur small pot/party cup. fill it to the top. now water it well before you put the seed in. it should drain and the dirt will sink down a little bit. stick ur fingers in there and...
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    Salvia/MJ cloning/cutting Question

    Bumpz? 10char
  11. T

    Salvia/MJ cloning/cutting Question

    basically its an outdoor DWC system, and I wanted to know if I could take a cutting off of my plant, and stick it between the rocks in another netcup, without waiting for it to grow roots first. Wouldn't this be easier and wouldn't the roots just grow out the rocks like usual? Would it work...
  12. T

    Salvia/MJ cloning/cutting Question

    Hey I understand that.. when taking cuttings, you have to give them time to root first... but I was wondering if I could just put it in a netpot with the hydroton rocks and if the roots would grow and whatnot... I don't see why they wouldn't.. and is it okay to give cuttings direct sunlight?
  13. T

    too sunny for seedlings?

    lol, if u germinated in paper towel, with the rest of the seeds, and it hasn't even cracked... then it probably isn't going to. maybe it's just a bunk seed? give it a couple days and if it doesn't crack, throw it out, or if you're feelin' lucky put it in the ground, maybe it just might grow.
  14. T


    the only exception would be if you had like 50 plants growing under your floor boards or some shet, in which case your parents would notice a realllllllllly high light bill, and ur house would reek of buds,' ok so don't grow if you are greedy, stupid, or your parents are stupid...
  15. T


    lol at this guy, don't get ur panties in a bunch, bro, I'm sure they want weed too, and kids are always doin shit they aren't supposed to, big deal. lmao @ him. nobody said it was easy, and nobody said they don't care about their parents, and everybody already knows what your trying to say...
  16. T

    Soil or Pots?

    And don't forget to buy some "Safer" brand bug killing stuff! the one with soap in it! and some "B.T." the real name is really long, they'll know what you mean though, I'm pretty sure its an organic catipillar killer, but it kills lots of other bugs too. spray the BT on once every 3 weeks...
  17. T

    Soil or Pots?

    Atleast a foot deep, and a foot across, both ways. Maybe more, roots get big! If you are okay with moving around a 5 gal. bucket with a 4-7 foot plant inside and a couple pounds of wet dirt... Then yes, you could move the plant easier than if it were in the ground.. I would suggest planting in...
  18. T

    Double Grow! Juicy Fruit?

    Sorry! I forgot to include some pics. I also need some more attention about my other outdoor soil grow! When should I start adding the 1/3-regular-strength nutes to my Green Goblin?? And will it be okay/better to use my 6-4-4 Grow Big Fox Farms nutes which are intended for hydroponic use...
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    Double Grow! Green Goblin?

    *Bump* Hydroponic nutrients for soil? Or miracle grow? You guys decide!
  20. T

    Double Grow! Juicy Fruit?

    Awesome! Thats just the sort of thing I wanted to hear! Well I've been keeping them a little moist, they're never dry, when I put the MJ in the net cup with the rocks it didn't even have any roots coming out yet. The other non-MJ plants did. Well, I had seeds, and I am NOT good at germinating...