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  1. joeiv916

    Medical indoor tangerine goo day 31 flower

    First indoor grow in a TINY closet.. 1 Tangerine Goo clone, 600W.. Flora Nova Veg/Bloom, Sugar/yeast, water/molasses.
  2. joeiv916

    Question about cfls

    It works ok. I have a 150w with a clamp over 2 plants. You would need alot, I actually need to get more.
  3. joeiv916

    Scrog Bucket yarrrgh!

    Now that is a beast! Very nice grow, I cant wait to see the harvest..
  4. joeiv916

    0/15 clones! help!

    I cloned 15 cuttings into rockwools 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was also sick for 1 of those weeks. I checks the bottom of each rockwool, but no roots. I pulled some out and there was a built up of what it looks like "bubbly" substance covering where I cut. Is it because I didnt show them TLC or did I...
  5. joeiv916

    muh beautiful behbie :hug: (feedback welcome)

    Wow thats a beauty.. Good luck on the grow, I want to see how the rest goes!
  6. joeiv916

    Red Diesel - Closer

    Thats a beauty! Im lovin it.. Nice grow
  7. joeiv916

    1st Grow cfls

    Looks good.. Nice and healthy. happy growin
  8. joeiv916

    CFL Wrap Around

    Nice grow.. I just might get some cfls
  9. joeiv916

    Is my skunk plant OK? (Video)

    Looks pretty healthy.. Guy was right, try to bring the lights closer without burning them
  10. joeiv916

    help! 1st time grow

    Are you feeding them nutes?
  11. joeiv916

    LED Grow light panels?

    Are they worth it?
  12. joeiv916

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?

    Its ok.. Depends on what kind of high lol
  13. joeiv916

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Growing since early June
  14. joeiv916

    SOG method (sea of green)

    Same here man.. Everyday is a new day lol
  15. joeiv916

    Critique my unusual cfl setup

    Ahh ok, thanks! Happy growing
  16. joeiv916

    Critique my unusual cfl setup

    Nice set up, where did you get those light mounts?
  17. joeiv916

    hydroton question

    Is it required that you mix catalyst with hydroton rock in an aeroponic set up?
  18. joeiv916

    drainage help?

    I just set up my aeroponic set up.. Now all that is needed is to install a drainage system so the water can drain without me tipping the bucket over.. Anybody got any ideas?
  19. joeiv916

    Leaf question

    yea, it started budding then went back into veg, then clone it. it went through alot so I figure I would stick with it..
  20. joeiv916

    Whats the most to be harvested off a clone?

    Okay, on average what do you think a clone yields?