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  1. W

    asked humble about out of state meds

    He's gonna get back to his team? Hmmm... Seems like convenient memory. I thought this was a big issue to them, then it changed. I remember that originally they were obligated to grow a certain percentage in house.
  2. W

    Arizona patient to patient club

    Hey! That's not gonna fit the model for making a profit!
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    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    Geo xx wish I could help more. I am still trying to work out a reliable method. Also how much to dose with, how to deal with 'it's not working anymore'...sometimes you don't feel it, next day you do...!? Over all it seems to help with general well being but is not a bright flash of I AM CURED...
  4. W

    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    I may have figured out what is going on. I have been cooking it longer, On one batch I ended up with more oil than I started with. I think the condensation is dripping into the pot. Next batch I will cover, and see if that is what happened.
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    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    Thought I'd throw this out there again concerning the 'slurry'. I'm pretty much doing the same process, but this separation of the oil and slurry is kind of a problem. It has a funny taste, not very paletable, but I am affraid to drain it off if it has some of the tric's in solution in it...
  6. W

    safer arizona leagalization petition/ status?

    I haven't contacted them yet.
  7. W

    safer arizona leagalization petition/ status?

    thanks, Kal. But that is the canned issue. I was wondering how many sigs. have been collected. If they are getting any other help along the way, what areas are promising to them and where they are lacking. I also wonder why they pulled the petition from A and B grow store in Prescott. I will try...
  8. W

    safer arizona leagalization petition/ status?

    I can't find any recent updates on the signature drive to legalize. I heard they pulled the petition from a and b grow store in Presscott. Anyone have any current information?
  9. W

    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    I just finished a new batch. I tried some of your suggestions,I let it stay in the crockpot for atleast 24 hrs. I also found a single serve coffee press, to press out the coco oil. I poured off what I could with out the slurry at the bottom. I strained it through a gold coffee filter and paper...
  10. W

    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    I take 2 grams bud,crumble it up,put it in a pyrex plate I have,and bake in the oven at 270 for half an hr. I place it low in the oven so the flames don't burn it. I then run it through the grinder. I use the grinder upside down so I get all the goodies in the batch. I put this into a stainless...
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    Eveything you need to make Rick Simpsons/Wernard Bruinings Oil !

    Wow. I am trying to separate the wheat from the chafe on this one. If one wants to get high, or if one wants to treat cancer, or if you get both results in a mix of procedures... I am reluctant to post as after this discourse I feel need of a doctorate or some other degree to weigh in. One...
  12. W

    lower back pain

    I have been making a edible oil for my wife. It is quick and easy. I take two grams of bud, crumble it up, and put it in the oven at less than 300 degrees for about a half hr. to decarboxalate it. I then add 1.5 oz virgen coconut oil, and heat it either on low heat or in the slow cooker (double...
  13. W

    Az Legalization

    Does Kim have a petition out at her store A-b hydro? If you drop off copy's there I would pick some up.
  14. W

    reciprocity maryland/arizona?

    I may be working in Maryland this summer. Want to know if anyone knows anything about flying back and forth with med marijuana. I have a current med card for Az. Isn't Maryland also a med state? Thanks for any input.
  15. W

    Where does one find the fire in the east valley?

    I'd be askin the girl on your avatar
  16. W

    there goes the neighborhood (dispensary alert!)

    A dispensary is scheduled to open next week in chino valley....
  17. W

    craigslist/ Prescott...flag ??

    Anyone notice there are no adds on for medical marijuana. I see them for Phoenix. Do you think no one is posting or were they shut down?
  18. W

    question about driving with

    One more step of security would be keep it out of reach. In the trunk. They can't accuse you of driving and smoking.
  19. W

    How many Dispensaries opened in 2012?

    Green Halo is supposed to open in tucson today.
  20. W

    question on az card renewal

    I am up Prescott way. I see they are going to delay glendales dispensory opening date. I see it, the state will still have to authorize to cultivate for you folks in the valley. But I still don't see how renewing early would help if you are still locked into your initial expiration...