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  1. Zoobear

    Hermie..Dilemma Chop today?

    No, I have not seen signs any of the 3 I have in there now.... but nor did I see signs on the 4th I had in there that popped the seed. I'm just concerned that I might be to late being that they are all in a confined space... and sadly I am not able to separate them.
  2. Zoobear

    Hermie..Dilemma Chop today?

    Ok, I have slight problem. I have 3 females 8 weeks into flowering. 2 of them look good the 3rd still could of gone a bit longer but I started flushing her to early (lesson learned). My problem is this, early this morning I broke open a bud from a 4th girl I had in there, I chopped a bit...
  3. Zoobear

    good pics of leaves getting brown spots, bugs? mold? disease?

    looks like a mag def, but I am not positive.
  4. Zoobear

    Is this nute burn?

    Yah, I would flush them.
  5. Zoobear

    7 weeks into flowering, had some troubles and still do.

    Hey all, Thanks for taking the time to check this out. Well she is 7 weeks into flowering and as you can see I ran into a couple problems. Overall what do you all think.
  6. Zoobear

    clipping early

    Yah, if you cut a bud and do not dry it out b/4 smoking, It will be a complete waste. The nug will not burn and all you will do is torch it. Be patient dry it out and cure it. Or if ya have to "know" ya might want to look at quick drying in the oven though I do not suggest it.
  7. Zoobear

    Guerilla Grow: VIDEO JOURNAL!!!

    looking great.
  8. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    Well being that your not flowering her yet, I would not worry about bushiness. She is going to stretch out and grow once you switch to 12/12 light cycle. I had a similar problem w/ the light not being able to penetrate the lower half of my plant. My solution was to space my girls out as much as...
  9. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    :shock: Do not cut them, just neatly tie them down, or back. Do Not Cut Them. Your girls look great. Goodluck when ya go to flower. I'll be back to check in.
  10. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    They look great other then a little light burn.
  11. Zoobear

    my 1st grow hows it look?

    Separate them immediately. Invest in your grow, it will pay off. Spend a little money on the CFLS, Ferts, and what not.
  12. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    Take a trip to a garden store if ya can, they should have a wide variety of soils to choose from. Yes I would invest in a PH tester. I found that w/ Pro-Mix + my nutes my ph Stayed between 6.6-7.0. You will also find a wide variety of ferts and nutes, and should ya want to use the net to order I...
  13. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    I would look at purchasing a higher wattage Veg light, 100w - 200w. I have yet to see a CFL in a DIY store that is over 23 actual watts. Then focus on your flowering lights, nothing less the 42watts for the 2700K and The more the better. I would also stay away from MG soil, I started w/ it and...
  14. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    I'm using 1x 200 watt 65ook CFL for vegg which i'm still running thu flowering. I added 6x 68watt 2700K CFLs and 2x 42watt 2700K. I keep the the buds about 4inches from lights, I have a somewhat small CAB so I have to tie them down a bit and continuesly check them for light burn, which as you...
  15. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    Yah I suppose I bought from H.D on sale for 9.95 I think they sell for 14.95 reg.
  16. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    Indeed I am running 5x 2700K 68watt CFL along w/ 2 42w CFLs. Here are some pics of when I was 5 weeks into flowering. I'm coming up on the 7th now.
  17. Zoobear

    had to share some pics of harvest

    it is a Myth, I've seen Curing done in large amounts of nuggs in large Plastic rubber-maid bins, though its not the most effective. Your better off using a seal able glass jar. Will taste better as well. oO looks mighty nice. I guess it all depends how much herb your dealing w/.
  18. Zoobear

    Cabinet CFL Grow - Unknown Strain -

    The company TCP makes a CFL that is 2700k 68watts and can be found at most DIY stores, Home Depot carries them for 14.95. I'm having great results w/ them. Just a thought for when ya go to flower her.
  19. Zoobear

    My Girls Seem To Be Very Sad

    Yah let it sit out for 24hours, or you could always invest in a filter of some sort, Brita makes one ya purchase at the food store for around 20bucks.
  20. Zoobear

    How To Grow FIRE...?

    like any living being, plants need food to live. Ya might be able to get by w/o ferting them. I would say you will have a much healthier plant if ya fed her during vegging and flowering. The Happier she is during Vegging the happier she will be when she starts flowering which will = better buds...