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  1. W

    Suddenly .... Yellow leaves !!!

    Maybe stupid question but what r those Bennies u speak of ?
  2. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Can u explain to me pondzyme and GFF u talking about for healthier roots ? Tnx
  3. W

    Led yields..

    Nice... Question about ur lights .. what lights r u Using ? And since only 6 plants per 5x5 .. how long u veg them for ... my plan is to SCROG next run I have
  4. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    What u guys use as water chiller for that aero set up ?
  5. W

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey what size is ur room and what light r u using for it ? Tnx
  6. W

    Led yields..

    Great job bud .... After almost i wanna say 10 years break i am getting back to growing ... And planning to go LED route ... Prior I use MH for veg and HPS for flower ... Heat was a issue in summer months like crazy for me ... so LED i balive will help me with that ... Never the less 5x5...
  7. W

    Led yields..

    What area ur grow under that 700w to pull 4lb and how many plants ... tnx