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  1. H

    Make a Difference (Finiacial Meltdown)

    My contest is about political reform that we can control. If u are alive you must have heard about the banking crisis and then on top of that the bonuses the bank cartels are handing out with our bailout tax money. This week the Fed Chair is up for Vote from our elected senators. Ben Bernake is...
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    Big Bang x Kc Mango 4th wk flwr

    The kc mango is great one of my favs great outdoor also almost pinappley sometimes. I think this one cross is a keeper big bang yeilds like a slot and has an appley fruity smell great colors also i have one bb outdoor that is dark purp.
  3. H

    Big Bang x Kc Mango 4th wk flwr

    Heres some shots of the bb mango it was a accidental cross (trying to pollinate to mangos and some got on the big bang). It yielded about 8 great lookin seeds here are 5 of those bad boys. Trying to figure if they are all different or if some are the same pheno. One definatley looks like a pure...
  4. H

    Getting off the grid

    Come to Maine buy a house with 12 acres or more for 40,000 and live cheap until you get off the grid. 300 dollars a month in bills for me fuck working hunt fish forage grow cut wood bam done. Bartering is a way of life up here also and everyone loves the ganj.
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    NorthEast Growing Questions

    You could have 6-8 weeks left there looks like a late entry but any entry is well worth it watch for mold and let her go as long as you can last year i had plants that survived two frosts just monitor that ho and youll have a nice reward
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    BC KUSH, HASH PLANT Sensi Star x Maple Leaf Mr.Nice x White Rhino grow!

    nice lookin plants healthy just chillin waiting to get smoked
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    Bing Bang Scrog & BM

    yeah that beast is weird i can't wait for september
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    Bing Bang Scrog & BM

    Here is a couple shots of my couple of late starts this year. It was a cold wet year in my region so I procrastinated. The big one is the BM stuck in the grround jun 16th & the other scrog in a 14 dollar green house is a big bang clone moved out july 3rd. We are finally getting some good weather...
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    is it too late to start another batch

    i just started anotherf round a week ago up up in new england near the canadian border i also attempted this last year and got over a 1/2 z a plant 18 inch sticks of
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    HID Hut 250w light system...anyone?

    I bought one one of these it works excellent great buy i think very nice yes
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    Female Seeds

    nice i read something along those lines those are going to be some sweet crosses thanx
  12. H

    Female Seeds

    A while back i had a mango kush that opened one male flower at the end of its life. Now i'm smoking some passion 1 thia skunk and brainstorm that was pollinated by this. There are just a few seeds but they all look ripe. My question is would the these seeds be feminized i would like to think so...
  13. H

    A guess how much thread.

    7.5 oz and would be my best guess nice grow
  14. H

    Kock Sluggers

    I use copper it works good but i don't have any on hand for this plant maybe a handfull of pennies would work.
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    Kock Sluggers

    sand sounds like a pretty good idea does it hold up in the rain
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    Kock Sluggers

    Whats a good method to keep slugs from eating the crap out of your plants.
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    Microwave buds ?!?!?!

    one of my favorite methods is in a hot car for 3 to 6 hours works awesome taste great. Bam
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    The Mini Stadium Project

    sweet thanx for the help i think i'm gonna throw them outside most of the others are at 8u or nine weeks now so chop chop june 30th
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    The Mini Stadium Project

    oh and my problems with stealth are about 30 ppl living in my house for a week and the fans are loud no light leaks or smell its a pretty good setup just need another row of shelves and a 600 watt light instead of the 400
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    The Mini Stadium Project

    yeah its still a project. What i really want to know is if i can put them out and have no herms they are about 7 weeks in flower out of my planned 14 will a week outside at about 14 hours light mess em up.