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  1. 0davros0

    First Grow Journal. 400w

    very nice! seem to have recovered nicely..... tasty digs.
  2. 0davros0

    First Grow Journal. 400w

    hell... those leaves look delicious!! great photos. can't wait!
  3. 0davros0

    16th day looking sweet :P

    stop biting your nails.... otherwise...get'em out of cups and ready to go.
  4. 0davros0

    the best 59 seconds of your life.

    eh. not really the best way to send THE message. too few facts. two of the "supporters" in a "shopping for clothes" atmosphere. one shopping records(it looks like.) the "lawyer" in a bookstore. SPENDERS!!TAX IT!! sorryforthenegativity -0davos0
  5. 0davros0

    First Grow Journal. 400w

  6. 0davros0

    First Grow Journal. 400w

    On it... thanks for the heads up H.
  7. 0davros0

    Its the name i use in most forums.... its a doctor who villain. cool site though

    Its the name i use in most forums.... its a doctor who villain. cool site though