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  1. G

    Week 5 Flowering Blue Cheese

    using stock aerogarden hood which we snapped off. have 3 150 watt equiv CFLs. Been meaning to get more but havent had a chance.....How much longer?
  2. G

    Week 5 Flowering Blue Cheese

    Here is a link to out non-updated journal: The plants are now in week 5 flowering. When should we begin harvesting? Here are pics
  3. G

    Take off AeroGarden Hood

    I am currently using an AeroGarden Pro 200. Did anyone figure out a way to remove the light hood from the pole? My top leaves are touching the hood. I know the easy way would be to break it off, but i want to be able to use the adjustable hood for the future, since this is my 1st grow. Any help?
  4. G

    Help!! Leaves turning yellow (pic included)

    Anybody? Should we be giving them nutes after one week? Or do you think it's heat stress?
  5. G

    Emergency yellow spot advice needed! (pic)

    The aerogarden guide stickie says "NO NUTES!!!" for weeks 0-2 so that's what we were going by. At that size, are our plants ready for nutes even though it's only been one week?
  6. G

    Emergency yellow spot advice needed! (pic)

    I have a journal going in this section for my first aerogarden grow (and first grow ever). I planted the germinated seeds last Tuesday and I had noticed yesterday that there are a couple of fairly large yellow areas forming on the top leaves of the plants. The plants themselves are a few...
  7. G

    Help!! Leaves turning yellow (pic included)

    please help before our babies don't make it!
  8. G

    Help!! Leaves turning yellow (pic included)

    I am a noob experimenting in a AeroGarden PRO 200 grow. I germinated seeds in paper towel, than transferred to pods in aerogarden. Plants have been in since last tuesday. I noticed some brown/yellow spots on some leaves yesterday. I am using stock aerogarden lighting on the shortest setting...
  9. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    Ill be sure to keep that in mind, but in this case, i know its something else. Plants are about an inch tall, and root and clear.
  10. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    Ok guys i am in desperate need of some newb help. Basically over night plants started looking pretty shitty. Going on 2 weeks today, plants have been looking live and green. Today plants are all curled up, and brown. Not sure what happened. Im thinking it has something to do with the water...
  11. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    2 are looking good, 2.....not so much. Going on day 7 pH level is 5.8, only lighting being used right now are stock aerogarden. Not too much else to say. Let me hear your thoughts.....
  12. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    UPDATE: 4/12 HAPPY EASTER So after waiting for weeks for the seeds, they are finally in our posession. Seeds are in the process of germinating, and will be planting in AeroGarden hopefully tonight. We ended up purchasing seeds from Attitude seed bank, which I am 100% pleased with. I would...
  13. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    :clap:Seeds have been ordered!!! And now we wait..........................
  14. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    We are pretty much ready to being, all thats left is to get some seeds, but we taking care of that tomorrow. I uploaded a couple pics of my grow closet. Equipment: AeroGarden PRO 200 Temperatue/Humidity Guage Air Purifier Additional pump 7" air stone wand Couldnt find any Mylar, so...
  15. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    Ok so I'm now ready to purchase seeds online. I'm still unsure about it tho. I know to not ship to grow address. Use prepaid credit card to purchase. My guy is thinking bout getting a PO box. Is it safe? Any hints or tips?? I am thinking about going through attitude seed bank, but then I hear...
  16. G

    Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden

    Ok so after doing lots of reading and plenty of research, my guy and I think we are finally ready to continue with the grow. This will be our FIRST attempt at this. We are gettin ready and will probably start this weekend. I will provide updates on this thread with pics a couple times a week for...