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  1. bentley1212

    how do i purp my plants

    There is a way to turn your plants purple and "super stack" flowering sites on your plant during flowering. Its this super product that i have used with great sucess.. it comes from a nutrient company right out of Humbolt California. It basiclly adds flowering sites to increase bud production...
  2. bentley1212

    will a male plant produce decent smoke?

    well dude theres a couple things.. 1. kill the bastard if a fer sure male. he could ruin the whole project. 2. if the sacks on female (aka hermie) pinch and save sacks b4 they open. later pollonate same strain with the FEMALE POLLEN and get some nice FEMINIZED seeds. if u do that seperate into...
  3. bentley1212

    GH hydro nutes for soil plant?

    sup dudes, iv'e read on the GH label that it may be used for soil plants. i have a few hydro systems and 1 soil plant. she needs to flower but i don't wanna go out and buy separate nutes just for 1 plant.... i figure i can use GH at a lower concentration but dont know exactly how much. so...
  4. bentley1212

    Soil plant to hydro. Good or bad idea?

    fer sure. ille prob just buy some FF nutes and flower her in the dirt. dont wanna risk killing her.
  5. bentley1212

    Soil plant to hydro. Good or bad idea?

    okay niice. did u have any problems with shock or root damage? i think ille add the airstones in my clensing buckets to help break up soil and to circulate o2 so i dont drown her.
  6. bentley1212

    Soil plant to hydro. Good or bad idea?

    sup dudes, i have a plant that is growing in soil right now in a 3 gallon filled pot. she is about 2 feet tall and ready to be flowered. fairly decent sized bush. now i have been doing a lot of testing with hydroponics lately and seem to want to stay with that grow method. so i think imma...
  7. bentley1212

    RoLLiN 4 The First Time

    dude that shits garbage. i mean dont get me wrong i rolled plenty of times and had a great time while i was on it....but its not worth feeling shitty after like as if u drained all your happyness. i mean your gonna want to keep trying more and more. but you wont ever reach that "one" peak...
  8. bentley1212

    have a clone Dark cycle Q..?

    sup guys, quick question.. i just took sum clones and got em under a 24/0 cycle. just wondering if i should add a dark period to help my clones root. if so, would that be a 20/4 or a 18/6?? thanks