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  1. D

    crispy leaves... light to close? pics included

    awesome thanks for the advice.
  2. D

    crispy leaves... light to close? pics included

    im on about the 3rd week or veg and my leaves are starting to crisp abit is this because the lights are to close? also how much water should a plant of this size be getting?... thanks
  3. D

    First grow, using clfs

    haha alrite thanks guys hope all goes well
  4. D

    First CFL cloest grow...

    nice setup bro stealth
  5. D

    First grow, using clfs

    first time growing got a nice ghetto closet setup going and i was just wondering if everything is looking good with my plants i have some concerns about the long stems approx. 4-5 inches before the first leaves( see pic) is that goin to affect anything?