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  1. skimpmaster

    do i have too much light

    the lights are regular soft white bulbs
  2. skimpmaster

    do i have too much light

    its female i said it has like 20 sets of white hairs
  3. skimpmaster

    do i have too much light

    i have a plant that is 4 and a half feet tall in my closet and i have 2 lights above it with reflective covers on top the light are 250w each and the plant is so tall now its only 4 inches away from the lights there is also a thirty w florescent beside it but its small the plant has at least 20...
  4. skimpmaster

    spotted leaves

    i got a plant outside about 2 months old and its covered in tiny spots on all the leaves. wtf is this? it isnt sun spots or from mites. the plant looks pretty heathy other than that. so any ideas?????????
  5. skimpmaster

    sprite marijuana?

    even if it was sprite im sure it wont hurt to smoke itll jus give it a funny taste
  6. skimpmaster

    First time grow- three weeks in w/ questions

    ur plants look nice for 3 wks
  7. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    thanks for the input michael
  8. skimpmaster

    afghan x mazar, power skunk, top 44.12/12 from seed(almost)

    u got some nice plants hope it turns out well
  9. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    there are some white bumps forming up the bottom of the stem could that be root rot
  10. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    problem is they dont sell perlite at the stores around where i live and Lax if i didnt have internet how the hell would i be able to get on here and thanks for getting my back Legal but about the drainage theres one dime sized hole in the center
  11. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    and should this plant be larger its about 2 months old
  12. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    could i mix styrafoam instead of perlite in the transplant soil
  13. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

    i need help im new to growing and i dont think my plant is looking to good. all leaves except for top leaves are drooping. leaves seem to be getting kinda yellow. i have given it no nutes. lowest leaves started to die. please help thanks.
  14. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

  15. skimpmaster

    my plant needs help

  16. skimpmaster

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    haha, okay thnx so what should i do?
  17. skimpmaster

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    ok thts cool! ive got a question for u, Im growing a beautiful marijuana plant, and it seems like its not getting any bigger its about half a foot tall..So i was thinkin, maybe i should try to fertilize it.Since i have cats i wanted to know if it was safe to fertilize it with cat feces? I know...
  18. skimpmaster

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    hey im growning a plant an it look good so far, but sum things i need sum help on i could rly use ur input. ur plants are amazing, and vry lucious, i wanna give u my email. get back at me =] nice job on those beauties