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  1. G


    is there a lighting chart for: idoor, outdoor, veg, regeg, flower, clone, aero, hydro? G
  2. G

    Strange products

    Topsy Turvy Upside Down Tomato, Flower and Vegetable Planter Hydroponic Garden Planter do you folks know of others? G
  3. G

    Potted plants outside for the afternoon?

    Hi All, Is it ok to put potted plants outside for the afternoon? Thanks G
  4. G

    Plant totally droopy

    After I moved the light closer, the plant wnet totally droopy. It was fine up until then, reaching for the sky. water is finen not over saturated, Any help would be appreciated G
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    aeroponics and clone

    as in cut from Mother and place in aerogarden? G
  6. G

    aeroponics and clone

    Can you use the aero garden for clones? G
  7. G

    JAMAICA - I'm going there, tell me what I should do!

    That is the closest place to Nine Mile! You should go! G
  8. G

    JAMAICA - I'm going there, tell me what I should do!

    YouTube - Rasta Tourguide= Gaidi
  9. G

    First Post.."fine colombian"

    I am a total newbie and dont know how to gey these seeds in the US ( I would rather have clones) or clone to try to grow. I need some newbie (safe) help. G
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    First Post.."fine colombian"

    The line from the old Steely Dan song....Some Cuervo Gold, Some Fine Colombian" made me remember I love the taste and high of Colombian Gold (which was redish and had a great smell and taste). Is that stuff still around? Gman