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  1. ZongedOut

    i think this is a hermi...

    Derp. looks like i might have a herm as well then..
  2. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    Sorry i havent updated in a while. Due to security reasons we moved Blue Cheese to a different location. The apartment complex said they were doing an "inspection" of all the apartments, so I decide it would be better to move it than risk it. I cant go its new location as much as I'd like but i...
  3. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    The current setup in closet Plant from front. Fan removed, MYLAR!! Group of buds Shrooms I keep getting in my soil. Approximate size of one of the main-ish colas. :weed:
  4. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    Sorry it's been so long I've updated. :oops: I used to browse through RIU and hate the threads that ended mid-growth, so I'm gonna try and not be that guy... It's been exactly 4 weeks since the last post... so... here it goes: The good news is that the Blue Cheese is looking dank as fuck. I've...
  5. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    So one week later we're back in action. I've been keeping a super close eye on the plant for those white hairs and it finally paid off today! Been watering her every 4 days or so with about 3.3 L of water, doing the whole nutes thing too. She seems to take them well because she has...
  6. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    I've been busy this weekend with work and stuff so I didn't really have much time to spend with the Blue Cheese. As a result she went until yesterday without a watering, but didn't seem to mind. Whn I got back I adjusted the lights back to the position they where initially at. THE NEXT DAY I...
  7. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! I got back in town today and man has the plant grown! geekin69 watered her the other day with 3 liters of water and added 5 mL Bloom and another 5 mL Grow nutes. He also switched her to 12/12. I guess I owe him a Zong bowl for plantsitting... bongsmilie Now it's day...
  8. ZongedOut

    2-Liter SOG 12 Plant Perpetual Stealth

    woah, nice setup. is it possible to get those CFLs any closer to the plants? looking forward to seeing that flowering chamber, too! can't wait to see how your grow goes. good luck!
  9. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    i get it. finally read your signature. haha
  10. ZongedOut

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Interesting setup... very stealth. What are temps going to be like when all three cfls are on? are you really planning on growing three plants in there? looks like you're ready to go. i'll also be watching what happens... looks pretty neat man. good luck!
  11. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    ?? I haven't ever heard of that method. But by switching the lights to 12 hours on, 12 hours off, the plant is tricked into flowering because it thinks the long, sunny days of summer are ending. In nature, as the days shorten the plant would enter flowering on it's own, but since we are playing...
  12. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    I still plan to induce flowering in the next couple days. I'm working with CFLs so I dont want the height from the stretch to get to outta control. These CFLs dont do much for plants above 2-3 ft. Ever since she was topped she has gotten sooo bushy. I LOVE IT. Still a little sideways though...
  13. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    The leaves I was talking about last night are nice and pointy now. I'm heading out of town for a few days, but my bud geekin69 is going to be plantsitting the Blue Cheese. He knows what he's doing, so hopefully he won't hark it. So I'm going to miss my first plant's switch to flowering. She's...
  14. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    The leaves I was talking about last night are nice and pointy now. I'm heading out of town for a few days, but my bud geekin69 is going to be plantsitting the Blue Cheese. He knows what he's doing, so hopefully he won't hark it. So I'm going to miss my first plant's switch to flowering. She's...
  15. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    yea, i' definitely read some mixed reviews about this strain and this plant. i guess i'll just have to find out for myself. I think my plant is "lazy". It seems to be getting so much light that it doesn't really know which way is up, so she's growing mad sideways now. Should make LSTing a...
  16. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    Guess the lights weren't too overwhelming, she's still looking perfect. Even the branches are getting branches now. Edit: Just topped the plant after taking the first few pics, but then I took some close-ups to show what I did. After I topped her she was watered with 2 liters of pH balanced...
  17. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    So my friend geekin69 hooked it up with two more 42W CFLs!! So I got rid of the two 23 Watters and plugged these bad boys in. We did a little revamp of the setup, moving the two pairs of 42W lights up about 3 inches. It was not a small feat but now all the lights are nice and close to the...
  18. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    Day 15 Damn this is fun! Watching my baby grow is the highlight of my day. It's starting to take off, too! I grabbed my roommates camera, so these pics are pretty legit. I did also mix in some bone meal and potash to the soil before I transplanted it. It only took a very small amount. I moved...
  19. ZongedOut

    1st grow OG Kush, Loop, Green Crack, QE

    hey brick, i was reading your other post and ended up check this out. looks dank! how long are you going to let it veg? look for to watching 'em grow with that scrog. i'll be sure to hit you up when i start running into those electrical q's.. haha.
  20. ZongedOut

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    For some reason when I went to edit this thread it started another one, which people have been using more. I'll use that instead.