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  1. M

    HELP PLEASE How much Nutes for DWC

    OK so an update... It got a lot worse and a lot of the larger Fan leaves actually started to go yellow and have brown dead spots all over them. So where they are at now is sitting in individual pails with their own airstone. They are soaking in distilled water ph balanced, waiting for them to...
  2. M

    HELP PLEASE How much Nutes for DWC

    ok so here i am at a crossroads. Before my plants were drooping a bit and i noticed that i probably jumped the gun and over nuted the plants to early in their life cycle. So another week and a half goes by and all is well. I get home from work and the plants have since drooped. They...
  3. M

    When does Veg state start.

    Hey guys; I have looked around to no avail. Exactly when is th seedling stage over and the plant begin veg growth. When is it a good time to take a clone from a plant? These are things that i am coming up on in the near future. My 3 bubblegum plants are doing really well. currently at...
  4. M

    Full LED closet grow of Top44

    I have ph tested tap water that i have had out for 4 days. It still ranged around 8.0. Not acceptable. You want it to be more like 6.5 i guess for soil grow. I am currently doing a DWC and i need to keep my plants in reservoir of 5.5 to 6.0.
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    NL closet grow

    Looks pretty good. I just bought some of the same soil. Is the soil giving you any problems? I currenlty grow in a DWC hydro set up and my first leaves were deformed a bit, I got advice that i should not worry because the new growth looked good, as does yours. I also think mine were deformed...
  6. M

    Hows this sound for my soil mix?

    OK cool. I currently use rockwool cubes and a hydro setup but i just went and purchased soil and equipment for a soil grow as well. Curious so i thought i would give it a shot with Big Bud and Northern Lights. Cheers.
  7. M

    purple kush

    I have smoked Purple Kush out in Whistler, BC. Shit was strong. I needed a wheelchair to get around. I have also tried what a friend told me was Strawberry Kush, Nice taste to it. He also mentioned that you can get Grapefruit kush. I dont know much about that one.
  8. M

    Can you grow beggining to end in 4" net pots

    Thanks guys for the info. Yeah i have a back up rubbermaid tote so that i set it up with water and nutes then just switch the tops. Makes it a little easier. It is good to know that translplanting them is one less thing i have to do. I guess i can just sit back and watch my babies grow. Cheers.
  9. M

    Can you grow beggining to end in 4" net pots

    Hey all; I have a DIY bubble ponics system. All is well but i started to think should i be transplanting them into 6" or 8" pots soon. Or are they fine to stay in the 4" pots. Personally i thought they would be fine in the 4" pots since all of their roots are in the reservoir below drinking...
  10. M

    Hows this sound for my soil mix?

    Do you really need to use the oasys cubes?? If you germinate in glass of water for a couple of hours(usually crack in around 8 hours for me, is where i get them) then i put them in damp paper towel. Once tap roots shows can it not go right into the soil.
  11. M

    Your input on a whole Family puffing.

    I have smoked with my mother. Also i have smoked with a couple of my buddies and their dads. No biggy, but this didnt take place until i was in my early 20's. None of them would have dared do it with my if i was still a teen. I think is goes back to what SunnysideUp says; Let them grow to...
  12. M

    Sharing is Caring

    yeah i am currently in a hydro setup and am thinking of trying my hand at soil as well. I want to compare the growth between the 2. The only problem is i keep reading that the soil is very important. So i liked the way your plants were growing so i was curious what soil you were using to help...
  13. M

    Sharing is Caring

    What brand and kind of soil are you using?
  14. M

    Need Help

    Thanks man that is good advice. I think i will smoke one. Since it is my first grow i sit and worry about them. I want this to work out well. I have a lot of light so i was thinking of setting up some more plants only this time in soil next to them. Any tips for that?? Cheers.
  15. M

    Help whats wrong with my plants

    I was told it could be that i gave them some nutes to early and possibly a little over watering. The new growth looks good. Can any one else agree or give me another reason. Should i worry about this? Thanks
  16. M

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Thats great thanks man appreciate it. I have a 4th that is starting to sprout out of the rockwool cube. I will wait a little longer than i did with my bubblegums to give it Nutes. Yeah the new growth looks good. What i have done now is removed the drip lines from the 3 of them since their...
  17. M

    Need Help

    Hey all; im a first time grower using a hydro set up. Not too sure what to think about my 3 plants at the moment. Their (first) bottom leaves are a little dark, twisted, and one plant has a crack and a brown spot. They are currently under a 1000 watt MH light, about 2 feet away. Temp(lights on...
  18. M

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Hey all; im a first time grower using a hydro set up. Not too sure what to think about my 3 plants at the moment. Their (first) bottom leaves are a little dark, twisted, and one plant has a crack and a brown spot. They are currently under a 1000 watt MH light, about 2 feet away. Temp(lights on...
  19. M

    Help whats wrong with my plants

    oh yeah my res temp is about 72 deg, and my ph is around 5.5 to 6.0.( i have shitty cheap droplet ph tester) I also have a fan on them currently 24/7 but i have since changed it to come on when the lights come on. Any help appreciated. Cheers.
  20. M

    Help whats wrong with my plants

    Hey all; im a first time grower using a hydro set up. Not too sure what to think about my 3 plants at the moment. Their (first) bottom leaves are a little dark, twisted, and one plant has a crack and a brown spot. They are currently under a 1000 watt MH light, about 2 feet away. Temp(lights...