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  1. K

    1000 watt hps two room grow

    Thanks for all the replies guys, very helpful! roo, as far as my grow style, I'm thinking about keeping it pretty simple in the begining. I want to try a variety of strains, so won't be doing SOG. The plan is to start from seed with several strains, at this point it's looking like Arjan's...
  2. K

    1000 watt hps two room grow

    Anyone have any pointers regarding this? Thanks.
  3. K

    1000 watt hps two room grow

    Hello, I am in the planning stage of my first solo grow. It will be in the basement, which is wide open at the moment, so I'm planning on constructing some rooms. Doing the math, a 4.5 x 4.5 area will be around 50 watts/sq ft. Should I make the room exactly this size? Or would it be better...
  4. K

    Indica Insomnia Cure

    Thanks guys, those both look excellent. Is there any difference between the Aurora Indica seeds linked above ( ) and the Nirvana version? ( ) The price is about the...
  5. K

    Indica Insomnia Cure

    Hi, I'm planning my first grow on my own. I'd like to grow a pure (or nearly pure) indica and sativa. I've already decided on the sativa, Arjan's Haze #3. Now I'm trying to pick out a nice strong indica. I have pretty bad insomnia, so I'm looking for something I can take a few puffs of...