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    $45 for 2 hits of acid?

    i dont know about u guys, but, here, in australia, acid of any kind is fairly rare... Im used to paying $20 per hit....
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    1 bottle each.

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    1 bottle each.

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    2c family

    im very interested in the 2C family, but, have been unable to source a vendor or laws in regards to RC's... I know alot r covered under the analouge laws (Australia), but, I have never seen 2C-T-21 posted on this law...
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    1 bottle each.

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    1 bottle each.

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    1 bottle each.

    Still havent attempted... :( Drug seems too powerful (as is acid) to take for my first time in a bad mind set (life is getting in the way of my tripping :cry::-|). Will post when i take it :D!! Most likely tonight... within 6 hours!! Hopefully, My gf doesnt call within this 6hour time frame :P..
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    "Robo trip" Question.

    1. Say a 180 LB 18 year old, how many bottles would you need to have a average/decent trip? Erowid - Light:100 - 200 mg, Common:200 - 400 mg, Strong:300 - 600 mg, Heavy:600 - 1500 mg, Risk of Death:2,500 - 20,000 mg So, going off this... Assuming u buy Robo DX (which i suggest) Ingredients...
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    o.O!! woah... doesnt sound like mushrooms to me.... *thinks* Oh, wait... That movie... Black nipples... SHROOMS!!!
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    datura stramonium; angel trumpet

    i have been interested in this plant for a long time, i have found LOADS of this plant growing from, outside my house(suburbs) to outside a building in the city... I have chosen not to take this plant for fear that i will lose my mind, my sanity and my current perception of reality which i am...
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    1 bottle each.

    we have purchased: Robitussin DX Dry Cough Forte 200mL Each 10mL of oral liquid contains: Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 30mg I did my research :) One bottle seems to be enough for one person.. as its my first time, im gonna try a strong dose (entire bottle) according to erowid...
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    1 bottle each.

    ok, so, me n my friend have purchased a bottle of robo dx for purposes u already know... quick questions for those experienced tho... Will we need a sitter on 1 bottle each? Smoking weed, yes or no? As with LSD, should u have a clear mind-state?... in other words, will a previous fight with...
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    DXM VS Others

    So, ive heard good things about DXM (never tried it) in regards to lagged vission and robo-tripping and such, But, i only trip once every 6months to a year... I use it for some, insider time with myself... I was wondering, Is DXM a drug that will give u an inter-personal look at yourself and...
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    Questions ~ Opinions ~

    Because i have??.... 3 different attempts, 4plant setups and the yield was nice but not nice enough for what i needed... i need a harvest every 2 weeks... SoG is the way to go, so, dont treat me like a moron just because of a low rank on a forum... Thanks.:wall:
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    Salvia superba?

    a hit within 3minutes from another method other then smoking?? taken at 10:16, effects by 10:19... couldnt have been chewed or eatten.....
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    Questions ~ Opinions ~

    I plan to have a SoG system going made up of 2 mothers and 5clones being harvested each fortnight, so, 20clones total.... Would 2 mothers be enough to support cutting 5 - 6clones from every 2 weeks? I plan to build a closet just for the Clones alone which be running hydro while the mothers...
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    Considering taking shrooms

    i might also add, Avoid becoming confused as it can lead to a bad trip...
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    Salvia superba?

    I searched and searched only to find that S.D is a S9 (schedule 9) drug... Meaning, possesion, selling and growing are all illegal in Australia - the only f'n country that made it illegal (just my luck :cuss::dunce::wall:) - But there has been no scheduling on Salvia Superba.... So, i was...
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    Sorry pplz >.<

    Thanks!!! xD
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    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    Video removed in regards to pills...