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  1. A

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    You have to realize that not everybody can follow your directions 100%. Second, what works for you won't work for all, a lot of people see you running a high PPM and try to shoot for 1000+ and burn the shit out of their plants. I have read this thread in and out. I don't have any clonex...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Another update and some questions.... =) Hey, things are still going well. 19 out of the 20 clones have roots showing, some an inch in length or so. Well, some of the leaves on the clones are starting to yellow (not dry/dead yellow). I understand this is from using up some of the stored...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    So he is using the sweet with veg mix for 2 weeks into flowering, then switching to flower nute mix with sweet, and at the end only sweet and water? So basically sweet the entire flower cycle? Thanks BT
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Just another update from me, and also a few questions. Clones are doing good. Changed the water with fresh ph5.8 adjusted tap water with a little DM Zone. The best one has about 4 or 5 1" roots, and the others are coming along nicely. About 4 more popped the nub roots over night. Should have...
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    physan 20 overdose?

    From what I have seen that physan 20 really foams up the reservoir, it is supposed to be some amazing stuff. My Dutch Master Zone bubbles up a little, but not like I have seen pics of the physan20. I have seen inches of the 'foam' it makes. Sorry, not too much help
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    The chiller will be for the flower setup. Sucks I can't use it to chill multiple reservoirs due to different nute requirements. So I am hoping running the pump for a short time (~1 min) will help keep the temps below 80. I have some bubble buckets going and they are black and just a air stone in...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Good luck Milton. And in my neck of the woods.... Good news! After hundreds of failed clones and a year + of wasted time and cost of materials... I finally have roots! After 3 weeks of sitting in bubblers, cups of water, old aero setups. I finally got me some roots to pop in ~5-6 days with...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Thanks for the fast reply. :-o Yeah, I am going to get the timer very soon. I might as well wait on it. With the hygrozyme, I wouldn't need the h2o2? It is basically a plant grade cleaner for the funk? I purchased some Dutch Masters Zone because I was recommended some of it a while back. Should...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Alright, so I have had the worst past year or two experience trying to clone. It is hot where I live and I have been having problems with rot/algae/slime and temps. I have a few plants growing fine in 5gal buckets with air stones (no rot, temp is pretty warm, above 75deg). But every attempt at...