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  1. B

    Does Snowstorm Hurt Organic Soil and Micro Herd?

    hey at what dosage do you spray with? i just started using this stuff and i was curious about the foliar feeding, i dont wanna hurt my plants with anything to strong...
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    alright! it look as if that was my problem you guys thanks alot, ive seen great improvement on my baby, the towel didnt work as well as id hoped but i took a large kitchen sponge and put it in a ziplock bag with holes punched in it and stuck that in there! and poof almost instantly better, my...
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    ok so i added a damp towel, so now lets see what happens... if this i s my problem im gonna be mad at myself!!!!
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    im just useing fox farms grow big, at the moment, and some stuff i call liquid lama, lol, it s made by a local guy i just use it as my foliar, but besides that nothing....ive been thinking that my humidity does need to come up and i was trying to figure out how to do it soince its just a little...
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    the problem actually began before i started adjusting my ph, which is why i started doing it to begin with. ive never had a problem like this before and i have grown plenty of very good smoke! my temp stays pretty steady at around 72 during the day and gets down to about 66 at night, with a...
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    why cant i find anything on this problem???? ive been surfing the net for hours! i see alot of people have the same issue but no one has any idea? what the hell? lol!
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    ahhhh! spnidly new growth???? what the hell is going on??

    ok so ive never encountered this problem before useing fox farm OF soil and nute combo. but its really begining to bother me! i dont know whaat to do, i use 6.0 ph adjusted water, grow big nute. and a foiliar i picked up from my local hydro store, that the dude said might help, it looks alot...
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    can hydroponically grown clones be placed in soil?

    RIGHT ON! this is my first time useing the bubble cloner. and im really excited now that i know i can still use this contraption i made! and by "to hot" you mean ph adjusted to 5.8 - 6.5 right? or am i wrong?
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    can hydroponically grown clones be placed in soil?

    im just curious, i built a bubble cloner and am now curious if this can be done with damaging my babies? can anyone help???
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    Homemade bubble bucket

    dont forget to sand the bucket before paintinig to give it a good grippy surface! i made that mistake this morning! lol!