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  1. P

    reflector question!!

    hello there, (i hope im in the right forum) basically i have a 250w ballast, reflector and bulbs, and have recently bought a 400w ballast and bulbs, with cooltube reflector, i am wondering if anyone can tell me will my new cooltube reflector be compatible with my 250 ballast and bulbs?? thanks!
  2. P

    First Grow CFL

    hey newbud, just thought i'd mention for flowering under cfl you really want the 2700k bulbs, which emit a red/orange glow. budding plants benefit alot more from this colour light and will definitely increase your yield. also in my experience in terms of drying it is worth your while letting...
  3. P

    el nino harvest under cfl

    thanks man no not incandescent i used a 125w blue compact fluorescent for seedling&veg then switched to a 200w red cfl for 10wks of flowering.
  4. P

    el nino harvest under cfl

    hey thanks for reply growone. very much indica and heavy hitting but abit on the skunky side for my preferance but nice refreshing kinda piney smoke all the same, certainly havnt smoked anything too similar taste wise before. i have to admit i gave very little tlc to this girl as i was only...
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    el nino harvest under cfl

    helo just thought id post a few pics of an el nino i grew a few months ago jus in a closet under a 200w cfl. dried to about 42g
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    The Irish Growers Thread!

    haha sorry eire the last thing i want to do is discourage anyone from growing ;) everyone has their preferences thats fair enough and everyone has to do the learning curve im aware, if you know the basics then you should be successful with them autos (just out of curiousiity what were germ...
  7. P

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey peeps good to see so many devout irish supplying themselves! just browsing through a few pages on this thread and notice alot of people growing the auto flowering strains, i just want to add in my opinion for anyone whos still learning the ropes that there is a vast difference of quality in...