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  1. I

    making hash advice

    Alright so i have a half ounce of crystal and i found this video here i followed the video exactly but i noticed he made a smaller amount then what i made and so after i was done i cut off the paper and the wrapper but it didnt hold like it did in the...
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    oil and hash

    hey just wonder if i have 52 grams of stems could i make a couple vials of oil ? and i also have and ounce of crystal( not from the stems) and im looking to make hash im going to pack the crystal in little bag of wax paper i made only big enough to fit a eighth of crystal and then wrap it in...
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    how long till i can see my sprouts

    kk so i planted my seeds(and this is my first grow) two days ago theyve been getting 18 hour light cycle and im just wondering when they will pop out of the soil oh and i germinated if that even matters
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    alright grow setup

    yea dude well like only for the first week im gonna do that then im gonna have the 2 16 watts with 2 42 watts and the temp is good staying at 26 celcius
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    alright grow setup

    Alright so this is my first grow im not looking to grow a crazy amount just for the occasional smoke just want good quality shit i got three types of seeds that germinating cali hash plant lemon skunk and trainwreck i got 2 9 watts cfls and 2 16 watts but thats just for veg when i wanna flower...
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    aero garden hps grow speaker

    alright so im 99 percent sure that im gonna do this plan and just to let you know im not using the aerogarden lights cause obviosuly their shitty so im using a 250 watt hps but the aerogarden light will still be put to use it will ba attached to the back wall of the box so heres the aerogarden...
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    aerogarden speaker box setup

    o yea and then reason why im not using the aerogarden lights is basically cause their shit and their gonna be attachted to back wall of the box and then the 250 hps over top of the aerogarden
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    aerogarden speaker box setup

    Alright so im wondering if this setup will work so the aerogarden space saver : and then this fan which is a 20 inch box fan and then this hps light which is 250 watts and then this fan to keep the air circulating then this digital thermometer and here is a very rough blueprint
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    aero garden

    alright so im thinking of buying the aero garden now the aero garden puts out a total of 17500 lumens which i know is not enough to grow the six plants its made to grow by the way im growing hawaiin snow fem seeds. so i thought since 17500 isnt enough i would add 12 cfl 3 cfl watts on each side...
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    new grow box idea

    yea orignally that was my plan but i only got liek 5 bills to spend and for 400watt hps and 250 hps its like 200 and for the mh and hps 400 and 250 its like 300
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    new grow box idea

    Alright so in a couple weeks im going to build my grow box and im just looking for some advice. Alright so the set up im looking to build is im going to make a large box 45 inches in height 48 inches in length and 22 inches depth made out of playwood,in the box im going to split it in two one...
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    help with my grow box/closet grow

    haha yea i know the cardboard is flamabe but theres only gonna be cardboard on the back of the box so i can cut holes for the fans
  13. I

    help with my grow box/closet grow

    Alright so in a couple weeks im going to build my grow box and im just looking for some advice. Alright so the set up im looking to build is im going to make a large box 45 inches in height 48 inches in length and 20 inches depth made out of wood and cardboard,in the box im going to split it in...
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    help with my closet grow

    yea i know. thats gonna be my only problem cause i gotta hide this thing in my closet which isnt very big so im gonna try and make my plants small and bushy whaat do you think would be better height and what do you think i should do about my intake and exhaust fans?
  15. I

    help with my closet grow

    Alright so in a couple weeks im going to build my grow box and im just looking for some advice. Alright so the set up im looking to build is im going to make a large box 45 inches in height 48 inches in length and 20 inches depth made out of wood and cardboard,in the box im going to split it in...
  16. I

    help with my grow box

    Alright so in a couple weeks im going to build my grow box and im just looking for some advice. Alright so the set up im looking to build is im going to make a large box 45 inches in height 48 inches in length and 20 inches depth made out of wood and cardboard,in the box im going to split it in...
  17. I

    help with my closet grow

    Alright so in a couple weeks im going to build my grow box and im just looking for some advice. Alright so the set up im looking to build is im going to make a large box 45 inches in height 48 inches in length and 20 inches depth made out of wood and cardboard,in the box im going to split it in...