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  1. style

    Anyone heard about 2cB

    Nope, no needle or anal action over here. I was only suggesting it to you because most llamas I met liked to shoot drugs or put em up their arse. You should know the guy I was referring to so go ask him how its done. watch out for sean....he'll rip ya off to get a lil smack.
  2. style

    Just had 2 jehova's witnesses come to my door

    creepy. reminds me of Lynden WA.
  3. style

    Anyone heard about 2cB

    2c-b is supposed to be the closest out of the 2c-x's to mescaline. Actually is supposed to be pretty identical except for the duration is shorter. Yo llama boy, go ask Duane or one of his misfits for sum RC's. And BTW the best way to take these if you dont like needles it to stick em up your...
  4. style

    Anyone heard about 2cB

    You will not find LSD in nature. Its synthetic. Man made from separating alkaloids from plant mater and then altering their chemical make up. You will find analogues in nature that you might be referring to.
  5. style


    At the begining of the thread, Snorting 35mgs of 2c-T-7 for the first time.
  6. style


    Nope, but I seem to remember you giving me lethal advice at the beginning of this thread.
  7. style


    I can be a fungi but I tend to call things how I see em and it ruffles feathers in the process.
  8. style


    Like a sex machine?
  9. style


    Thats a song by James Brown. His drug of choice was PCP.......or was it he liked PCP. Either way he got arrested for possession of it. Actually I should research that a lil more because I was told by a good friend thats pretty reliable. But I look into it more then post what I find.
  10. style


    Never mind, I guess you didnt understand what I meant. Wish you could have surprised me but you are probable watching something like 'ow my balls' or 'bait vision'. Go drink your Brando.
  11. style


    I am glad you agree with my point. It was pretty good and I didnt think you would make the connection, but even you can surprise me.
  12. style

    the best strain of shroom

    Seeing that I do a lot of copy and paisting of information to prove my points then yes I could be compared slightly to him. Only because he was a rip off patent clerk that got credit for others work. Although I am not trying to take credit for the info, only posting truth thats be proven by...
  13. style

    the best strain of shroom

    Calling me a 'Dick' is your inability to respond intelligently. If calling you out about- *Giving dangerous advice - if someone were to listen to you it could lead to death and another web tryp. *Drawing unwanted attention to RIU then yes I am a 'Dick' But You sir are immature and a hazard...
  14. style


    You obviously lack in both departments. kinda reminds me of a scene in a movie I was watching. dont have to pass and IQ test to get in the senate.... ever see Religulous?
  15. style

    the best strain of shroom

    Why? because you are getting called out for your bullshit?
  16. style

    the best strain of shroom

    LOL.... .....I'm not going to imply anything I am just posting to add to my post count. Whatever you clown. Why the fuck would you post something if you were not trying to say something. Fucking passive aggressive girly-man
  17. style


    With your 65% knowledge you should have known to also put a disclaimer with your experience. Very careless. Possible fatal if someone was to try it out because they trust your opinion and advice from your 'nice' persona. Remember why web tryp happened? Kids died.
  18. style


    I call it like I see it. Its pretty clear. What else would your advice of snorting 35mg's of 2c-T-7 to a first time 2c-t-7 user be called?
  19. style

    TooCreat-Terminator-7 more. Sorry to come down on you shep but Ganjaglutin was not giving me healthy advice period. Ganjaglutin is a lil butt hurt from another thread where I called him out for being arrogant and that got some sand in his vagina. He tries too hard to be the crowd pleaser but when...
  20. style


    So I got a hold of 2c-T-7. This one I have yet to try. Thought I'd ask if anyone has given this one a go? If you have had the opportunity to try 2c-t-7 , what were some of your highlights and/or troubled moments? Curious cause it sounds like a winner.:joint: