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  1. F

    Duffle bag grow box

    Ok so, I made a grow box for my plants that i'll be growing soon using an old very large duffle bag, some cardboard to give it a strong frame, tin foil to line the walls and one 70watt light bulb. I know not the most conventional method but its a poor mans grow box that will only be in use for...
  2. F

    how do i keep my plants short?

    Hi everyone. I'm doing a guerrilla grow on a property not far from my home in a woodsy area with a lot of vegetation. the plants will easily be hidden within the green and smell of the other plants however the only downside is that the other plants are short. how can i stunt the growth of my...
  3. F

    Tips for Growing the Benjamins??

    So me and a few friends are looking to turn a small profit by growing some herb outdoors. They will be in very rich soil, and they'll love the amount of sun they get but I'm more concerned about someone stumbling on my "money trees". So here's what I need to know. How can i camouflage my plants...
  4. F

    All things newbie

    so here's the deal. I have 10 seeds coming to me in about a week. never grown before. I plan on planting 5 outside and 2 inside and the rest are backups. bunch of different strains. the 2 inside ones are going to be under a florescent light for the first 2 weeks in a closet. they cannot be...