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    Beginning my Super Silver Haze grow.

    Hey thanks for the quick response naimad, really appreciate it. So for the rockwool i'll make sure i always soak the rockwool, and never squeeze the cubes. You have any journals on your SSH, would love to check it out. What setup did you use for you SSH naimad?
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    Beginning my Super Silver Haze grow.

    Well I just got my SSH is the mail yesterday, and I'm going to germinate them within a couple days, but before I start I wanted to get a few things straight, and before I begin asking questions, I got to burn. :eyesmoke: Now lets start. I had 5 Mazaar seeds lying around so I germinated them...
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    please help. drip question.

    ok so im growing 5 plants using drip system. my plants are gonna be grown in rockwool, then once they get bigger, ill be putting them in net pots and into a bigger container filled with hydroton. now my questions for anyone is: how should i drip feed? im thinkin about using 1 drip feed for...
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    drip system ok to flower with?

    im using a drip system to veg, but is using just a drip system for flowering be enough? its gonna be grown indoor in rockwool, then transfered into hydroton when they get bigger.
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    need hydro help from the best. PH/PPM/EC questions. any takers?

    thanx homie, i appreciate it....i think ima get a nice RO system should give me better control anyways. you like growing hydro? Also, you know when my nutrients go back into my reservior and just say the PH/PPM/EC fluxuates up or down...i kno its ok to add PH+/- to the reservior...
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    help, what should i do?

    haha... ima = im gonna
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    help, what should i do?

    ima be growing using the drip system for both veg and flowering on rockwool, then when they get bigger im moving them into net pots wit Hydroton...i understand that drip system works well when vegging and when using rockwool, but i wanna kno 1)will the drip method be enough to feed and to keep...
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    need hydro help from the best. PH/PPM/EC questions. any takers?

    o...also, im doing a drip system for the whole way through, veg and flowering...first in rockwool, then transferin them into Hydroton...drip system good enough to keep the roots moist? or should i consider throwing another system that will keep the roots,dwc,nft?
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    need hydro help from the best. PH/PPM/EC questions. any takers?

    K dope, so ill just send the nutes back to the reservoir, keep an eye on it daily, makin sure it doesnt jump to high or low, and give em a new batch of nutes every week. Im also using basically all Advance Nutrients anyways, so the calculator should come to good use. As for the water, so ur...
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    need hydro help from the best. PH/PPM/EC questions. any takers?

    im about to grow 5 plants in a rockwool hydro setup, n i got a few question. I gotta still check the PH/PPM/EC of the tap water in my area, but once i figure out the starting PH/PPM/EC of my water, i wanna know: 1) What is the best EC for maximum nutrient uptake? Between 1.0-2.0? Also, how...
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    first hydro Lowryder#2 in rockwool drip system questions.

    Well this is gonna be my first indoor hydro grow(ive grown outdoor before), and im just trying to figure out the last little bits of info that I feel im kinda fuzzy on. K so im using a 600W HPS, with a Rockwool medium to begin with, then Hydroton, Advance Nutrients SensiGrow and SensiBloom...