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  1. b7999

    So, you decided to take a few early sample buds... READ this. New technique...

    I just put the buds in a coffee filter, and put it on top of the cable box (or whatever electronic equip.) over the vent on top. Dry in less than a day-and-a-half.
  2. b7999

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Bwahahahahaa... (good one). The truth is: there's been human downers walking around with "The End Is Near" signs strapped to their arses for over eighty years! Wasn't the entire computer system of the world gonna crash and cause economic and civic strife at the turn of the century? The year 2000...
  3. b7999

    Chilli,chilli & more chillis..... GROW JOURNEL!!!!

    I've often considered doing some "crop rotation" in-between ganj grows. Anyone have any suggestions for lucrative (but relatively uncomplicated) horticulture? Preferably something of a less incendiary nature than chilis?