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  1. orangejuice857

    Fresh Herb, Potent Spices and Good Vibes. Its helps.

    Fresh Herb, Potent Spices and Good Vibes. Its helps.
  2. orangejuice857

    Rust Fungus, cal mag, or ph flux?

    It is becoming extremely annoying and stressful. I will scope for any mites, again...
  3. orangejuice857

    Rust Fungus, cal mag, or ph flux?

    I did used pyrithren bombs. I try to minimize all outside contaminants when I enter the grow space. I have a change of shoes and clothes for when i enter. Everything cleaned regularly. I have never seen moths or nats or any flying pest in the grow space. But I will scope and see what i can find.
  4. orangejuice857

    Rust Fungus, cal mag, or ph flux?

    The whole grow was bugged bombed 3 times before the start. and I do spray regularly with Neem, Azamax, and Sns 209. more mites?!
  5. orangejuice857

    Rust Fungus, cal mag, or ph flux?

    Took a few more photos of affected leaves, and a full flush. Still worried about health of plants!
  6. orangejuice857

    Rust Fungus, cal mag, or ph flux?

    This week has not been great for me and the ladies. Started off with upgrading my space, 3 4x8 gorilla tents to handle 2 1000watt HIDs per tent. The weather in my local area hit about 95-100 degrees recently, cooling didnt go to plan as well plan but is under control. All the tents did hit a max...
  7. orangejuice857

    Experimenting with MISTING cooling...and defying death...(born2killspam, dont look!)

    I must say, I love your idea, besides being dangerous. The only thing I would do is enclose my lights somehow that way they dont get wet, but without losing any of their function. Not to sure if clear vinyl/ plexi glass / glass would defer the rays from the plants or turn it into a giant...
  8. orangejuice857

    Looking to buy an HPS light. Help!

    marylandhydro is run by the cops.
  9. orangejuice857

    Looking to buy an HPS light. Help!

    I just finished my first grow. I used 6 CFL's for my first grow. I now want to use an HPS light. Around 250-400w. I want to order online but i do not know any sites to find them from. Could anyone help me with my troubles?
  10. orangejuice857

    Leaf Spotting, Top Cola, WTF?! HELP!

    sorry I haven't been on in a while, laptop died. But no there are no spider mites at all, no signs, no eggs, nothing. I think it just might be a pH problem then. I struggle with my pH because my tap water is 7.9pH so any water that I use always has to be treated with pH down so it varies per...
  11. orangejuice857

    Leaf Spotting, Top Cola, WTF?! HELP!

    Ah ok, I'll check it in the morning after the lights turn back on. I haven't seen any other signs of any type of pest since I've started this grow so I'm surprised. I was thinking it might be heat stress since I've been having a problem regulating heat in my box around 90F. Or some type of...
  12. orangejuice857

    Leaf Spotting, Top Cola, WTF?! HELP!

    Alright, i check my plants today, and they had these spots on them. I found them yesterday with spots, but not as big or as many. I don't know what the problem is. Please Help.:cry:
  13. orangejuice857

    3 Weeks into Flowering. Problem or Natural?

    Well the temp is due to the ambient temps. since im using a closet i do not have a fan to vent out the heat, but the closet temp stay around 80,i rarely see it go any higher. it goes down as the day ends, down to 70.
  14. orangejuice857

    3 Weeks into Flowering. Problem or Natural?

    I am using 6 CFL's around 250 total watts. They are about 4 to 6 inches away from the top colas. The temp in the room is usually between 80-85 degrees. Sometimes it spikes to 90+ but i catch it before it gets any hotter. It happen once this week, around Wednesday. I water them once a week, if...
  15. orangejuice857

    3 Weeks into Flowering. Problem or Natural?

    A few of the buds on 2 of my plants, the lower buds, are starting to look like this. The tops of the pistols are turning all brown and weird looking. Is this a problem, or is it the process of budding.
  16. orangejuice857

    Ballast, How do they work!?

    Alright well, what site would be the best to order HPS lights from? I need a trust worthy site. Please Help.
  17. orangejuice857

    Ballast, How do they work!?

    yeah, the temps are wayy to hot when it gets hot out. the closet temp goes up, the cfls are good as of right now. 250+watts i have. so. but i might buy one for the fall and winter seasons. But thanks for the help.
  18. orangejuice857

    Ballast, How do they work!?

    Im using a closet so i plan on buying one light. But the closet is 3.5ft deep 5ft wide and about 7ft tall if not 8ft. In the summer the closet is always hot, like above 90degrees. So i plan on waiting till fall to put a HPS light in. But i can put air flow ducts in. I can vent the the air under...
  19. orangejuice857

    Ballast, How do they work!?

    OK, just double checking before i buy, ive been looking at a 400w HPS, ill probably buy one in the fall, my closet gets to hot in the summer, and i plan on making some vents for fans and such. How hot do the HPS lights get? and do they give off a lot of heat? Here is the one im looking at...