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  1. deviantboi

    Just started flowering, and a deficency occured... just need help identifying

    my water has a pH of 6.8 and I have tested the run off and its usually around 6.5, right now i don't have the money to afford and EC meter, but planning to get one for my next grow. Is there any advice any of you can give me on how to fix this
  2. deviantboi

    Just started flowering, and a deficency occured... just need help identifying

    It's not overwatering for sure, but pH probs could be right... anyone else have a thought?
  3. deviantboi

    Just started flowering, and a deficency occured... just need help identifying

    Just started flowering my girls and 5 out of 6 plants are showing the similar traits. Lighting is under 400 w hps with 8 cfl's as well. Temp hovers around 75 most of the day, Giving 75% strength nutes, 15-30-15. Only noticed this on the new growth of the plant since flowering. I've been...
  4. deviantboi

    Trainwreck and Misc bag seed 1st homemade hydro grow

    Well the plants are still growing well. Unfortunately, Judy, one of my plants, has turned to a Jude! But that still leaves me with six beautiful females. Me and my friend that are taking care of the small grow have named them all, just for fun. We have Oprah, Elanor, Beatrix, Nancy, Betty...
  5. deviantboi

    Trainwreck and Misc bag seed 1st homemade hydro grow

    Allrighty so my hydro grow went to shit, but on the plus side the soil grows are going a lot better. I am going to include pictures. I early sexed all the plants and have revealed I have 7 females, all growing beautifully. Currently, I am running under 8 23w CFL 65000, and a 400w mh. The...
  6. deviantboi

    First time grow, help needed please

    you need better lighting for sure
  7. deviantboi

    Stunted 2 week old seedlings, purple spots?

    at 2-4 weeks most growers i have heard start using half strength nutes on the plants. Personally i do wait a month... your other seedlings look great... one reason that might be causing the droopy leaves is overwatering. As for the purple spots im no expert so i would wait for someone else to...
  8. deviantboi

    Top leafs healthy bottom wilted (dieing, dead?)

    needs more light dude your plant is stretching
  9. deviantboi

    moved mothers into flower...

    you can't really tell the yield of a plant from the way it looks, you can get an estimate, but i would only trust the estimate from a true expert. good luck!
  10. deviantboi

    Whats wrong with my baby?

    possibly how often are you watering... during the seedling stage i water my plants around every 5 - 7 days
  11. deviantboi

    Cannabis nutrient and deficiency table

    :) very nice! thank you for helping out the community, this would have helped me on the first grow a lot! Didn't feel like reading for hours on each single nutrient. Hope others appreciate this as much as me!
  12. deviantboi

    Whats wrong with my baby?

    Hey bro common problems are overwatering at this stage, and from the looks of your soil it does look a little wet. I would let the soil dry out more or consider adding perlite when you transplant the seedling. It will promote root growth due to the aeration in the soil.
  13. deviantboi

    need a shroom growing mentor

    Awesome, yeah i would def like to see your pics of your grow and see how it goes for ya! I still have a few syringes left so im gonna try with that first again and then invest in a kit. Good luck!
  14. deviantboi

    Trainwreck and Misc bag seed 1st homemade hydro grow

    pictures from the hydro grow, i know they aren't going well right now, i am fixing their problems! :) its my first time so i expect them to have problems
  15. deviantboi

    need a shroom growing mentor

    thank s bro for the help
  16. deviantboi

    Seed Cracka

    hey redeyedraver, we better see a grow journal of that. The best way of germination for me has happened by wet paper towel in a warm dark humid spot.
  17. deviantboi

    LED lights in grow box

    i've heard great things about LED's, but its still pretty new to everyone no one has that much experience with it. I'd say buy it, try it, tell us.
  18. deviantboi

    need a shroom growing mentor

    I have researched and have knowledge so i am not just a newbie, i just had a little incident and would like to have someone mentor me and help me do everything to tee. If you are interested in helping out I would be extremely thankful. Hit me up if you are interested or have any advice for me.
  19. deviantboi

    Stunted Seedling

    common seedling stunt problems are caused from overwatering commonly, exactly what i did the first grow. Let the soil dry out.
  20. deviantboi

    my new girls

    you can tell he searched it cause when you go to the link seedling is pre entered in the search bar.