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  1. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    so these are the pics i left out! purple stems! brown spots! nutrients! and the ghetto...
  2. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    UPDATE!!!! we burried them up to an inch away from the first leave sets and it looks like it is doing a lot better now. the fan helped a lot too. But now the problem is is that on one of the plants it has a couple brown spots on the leaves. we just got some Maxi grow powder nutrients (10-5-14)...
  3. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    Ya thats exactly where hes buying the HPS light from HTG supply. Reliable company?? and he's using the fox farm soil. so replant them in a bigger pot an inch away fromt the first leave set??
  4. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    Ya thats what ive been hearing. that they've been stretching for more light. so if i bury them up an inch from the first leaves and keep it goin they should pull through? or is it even worth it? we have 5 more seeds germinating right now. should we just start over? oh and on friday we're...
  5. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    sorry i forgot to add pics. these are the pics of the new setup that we have now. 2 plants and all those lights. will this work or no?!
  6. E

    WEAK STEMS?! HELP! 1st grow

    Hey im trying to help a friend grow and his plants have weak stems that he needs to support with string and plastic forks lol. I have a few pics of the plants and i will post them. Okay at first they were only under one 24w t5 fluorescent light and it looks like that wasnt even close to enough...