Search results

  1. SMNG2990

    Best Book For First Grow?

    this is a good book i have two and this is by far my favorite and biggest i haveMarijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible:?
  2. SMNG2990

    Good website to buy Magic Mushroom Spores?
  3. SMNG2990

    hey i was wondering if you used a credit card or preppayed gift card to order from attitude and...

    hey i was wondering if you used a credit card or preppayed gift card to order from attitude and if you used credit card did your compnay call you to verify te purcase?
  4. SMNG2990

    Attitude Comes Through Fast

    did you pay by credit or prepaid gift card and if by credit card did your company call and try to confirm the purchase:peace:
  5. SMNG2990

    cloning problem

    so am pretty much am screwed cause i flowered very early and dont have any stems to clone off of just have leaves
  6. SMNG2990

    strain selection help

    using the searhc never helps it just brings up tons of thing no whers relavent i like people jsut to tell me what they know or experances its to hard ot use the search
  7. SMNG2990

    cloning problem

    my plant is in flowering and it dose not have any braches that i can clon eit onlys has stem and then leaves is there a way i clone wihtout having a stem //
  8. SMNG2990

    strain selection help

    or purple #1
  9. SMNG2990

    strain selection help

    i live wiht my parents nad i barely ever smoke but i love to grow marijuana i see it as like a science getting it bette rbredding and so on but i was wonder if any one know low ordor strain i heard strains like chocolate chunk, mandala white satin, nebula Isis, papaya, and purple lady are low...
  10. SMNG2990

    I Was Selling, And The Guy Nicked My Stuff And Ran

    heres what ya gotta do you need to get a gun unregistard and go hunt the a$$holes down shoot them dead so you get picked on or screwed over build a rep and rise to power:peace:
  11. SMNG2990

    Low Odor Strain Review

    i hear that these stains are low odor and i would like to know if any one has experance with these strains and most importantly if they are indeed low odor -Northern Lights -Papaya nirvana -Isis -Chocolate Chunk -White Satin mandela -Nebula paradise -Purple Power nirvana -Ice...
  12. SMNG2990

    low oder strain review

    thought this section is general and not strain more people look at this so i figure i will get more resposese but i hear that these stains are low odor and i would like to know if any one has experance with these strains and most importantly if they are indeed low odor -Northern Lights...
  13. SMNG2990

    Chocolate Chunk ??

    Has anyone had any experance with chocolate chunk i hear its a low odor seed and thats whta am looking for and if anyone has any experance it wiht please share thanks:hug:
  14. SMNG2990

    cloning problem??

    I am growing my plant in a 16oz cup and its about 10 inches tall,in flowering,and in a small space so i tied string around it it and bent it down to save room but becuase its not a big plant dose not have braches for where i can clone her it only has leaves branching form the steam is there a...
  15. SMNG2990

    4inch pot and plant

    depends, depends on how you wnat to grow it if you want to be a big plant not to long if you want to keep it smaller you could definityl use it i am using a 16oz cup and it been in flowering for 3 weeks now and it doing terrific beautifuk so it depends on who you want to grow i t
  16. SMNG2990

    slight nute burn for the 1st time-ok to still add a little superthrive or just h2o?

    yesefinity just add water for the next like 3 or so feeds and water so water comes out of the drain holes mine got nut burn but i feed water for a while and filled it til water leaked out of drain holes and recovered very very nicely:hump:
  17. SMNG2990

    Blueberry nearly done?

    very nice plts how tall are thye they dont look to tall?:peace:
  18. SMNG2990

    light burn and room crunching

    Right not my plant is 10 inch and i only have 24 inches to grow in under my aquarium and right noy am tring to keep it small obviously caus eof hte space so i have it in a16oz beer cup and that liek six inches so my lights are as far high as they cna go and they are burning my leaves so i...
  19. SMNG2990

    imp cfl lights question

    Ye dsyou can use any color spectrum all the way through but its better to change because the colors reprsent the sun and different poingt of the season when the sun moves away from the earth the color comes close to 2700K which helps all plants on earth to trigger flowering to reproduce so they...
  20. SMNG2990

    $100 Seed Buy

    serious seed AK-47 Attitude seedbank its a beastkiss-asskiss-ass