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  1. T

    Need help on lighting plz

    23" tall by 20" wide n 14" across I was thinking either 150 hps or 250 insight plz.! I have a 400 watt hps but due to summer time its just to hot
  2. T

    Stealth Dresser Cfl grow

    thoughs aren't the lights im gona use I will be using 4 125 watt replacement cfls that put out 2000 lumens a piece havin a little over 8000 over all for one plant... comments n suggestions would be nice
  3. T

    150 watt hps louder then a computer?

    Wonderin if anyone knew the Answer ? ( this includes the ballast)
  4. T

    help on lighting a double pc tower

    I was gona go with cfls or 100 watt hps on side of the tower n scrog the plant on the other tower having them connected I'll give up dates on measurements sooon my question is how hott a 100 watt I've tried a 400 watt n it was awfuly loud I live in a dorm this will be in the top closet n needs...
  5. T

    TGA Vortex 400W Stealth Grow in Supersoil

    nvm ima just spend the extra dough now n it will pay off later
  6. T

    TGA Vortex 400W Stealth Grow in Supersoil

    cool thnxs i cnt beleave i miss that detail r u making a smaller batch of super soil as i ? Im dividing by 4 on ingridients lik he mention in his forum but is that right ?
  7. T

    TGA Vortex 400W Stealth Grow in Supersoil

    Im purchasing all the right things for supersoil but subcool never mentioned SP-90 Humate Acid powder should I add that in or no I currently have roots soil, epsom salts, worm castings,bat guano, dolomitc lime, azomite, blood meal n steamed bone meal thoughs are subcools exact intructions
  8. T

    400hps scrog 4 plants closet low key

    Here's a link
  9. T

    400hps scrog 4 plants closet low key

    I also need to replace the bulb cause its bout 2 1/2 years old if not older I have 4 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottom i also am starting to look for a tray for all 4 buckets to fit in so once the scrog starts i dnt have to move them n let water drain out the back of the tray...
  10. T

    400hps scrog 4 plants closet low key

    Well I haven't grown in a while n a buddy of mine just harvested some blue dream n chemdawg n it was such a good smoke that I decided to bust out all the old equip n get back into the game I will be using the lucas formula with bionica sweetner also using co2 pucks that provide 6 hours of co2...
  11. T

    4plants400watthps scrog ?

    wow thanks for the help guys also do i just place the chicken wire about a foot above the plants n flower once the plants hit the wire im sorta confused on how scrog works
  12. T

    4plants400watthps scrog ?

    my question is should i top n let them grow fullsize or should i use chickenwire for a scrog grow but which yields better with better quality