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  1. L

    CNN Poll - 25% support obamacare

    it isnt about free health care. its about stopping the greedy, evil insurance companies, and out of control rising costs. you want smaller government? lets start with the fda, how about no more schools either, or fire stations, or cop shops. they are all examples of "socialized" gov't. the...
  2. L

    master kush week 8 12/12 trichs

    thought i would share with yall how to make a super easy, usb microscope for looking at stuff. 8 dollar cheap webcam, 15 dollar pocket microscope, take the webcam out of plastic case, and get this, black tape it to the microscope, dont worry about focus cuz microscope has its own. open my...
  3. L

    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    bump bump bump
  4. L

    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    so here are some new pics, still not great, but better. man i am about 3 weeks from the average first frost, and im scared it aint gonna make it, stupid sativa. :) anyway, can i get a few updated guesses about how long left? also, how good will the smoke be if i have to cut 9 or 10 weeks into a...
  5. L

    Frost Scares Me..HELP

    me too. i have a nice indoor thing going, but i decided to try a sativa outside, and now i am probly never gonna make it
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    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    ill get out the good camera tomorrow
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    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    its about 6 weeks into flowering, you really think its got that long? i hope not, i dont think weather wise i could go past halloween.
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    midwest outdoor with pics, comments?

    so here are some shitty pics i took with an ancient 4mp kodak. the date wasnt set, but the plant is unknown origin, from good bagseed, figures my nirvana order didnt come in time for outdoor..., anyway, i started this in an aero garden till about 10 inches, then moved outside and planted in the...
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    plant split at fork where topped

    thats mine to the t, there is just so much weight on the two forks and it rained so hard, im just stressing so hard, this is my only egg in my only basket, it about 4 weeks in, looks like 2 buds about 3 feet long and about 40 smaller ones.
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    plant split at fork where topped

    here is what ive done.
  11. L

    jesus need advice quick!!!

    her ya go, although its too dark for my cam to take any other pic, its just a vid cam, no flash
  12. L

    plant split at fork where topped

    so should i un tie it and wrap it in duct tape? or am i good? also, im thinking of going to lowes tommorow, and seeing about the biggest tree, they have and plant it next to my girl, at an angle, so it is up in the plant, for some new cover, any input? good idea? bad?
  13. L

    jesus need advice quick!!!

    im almost as worried about all the "cover" weeds being layed down too. now i have a 12 foot monster staked upright in my bckyard, with neighbors 150 feet away. ther was a path about 25 feet round with 15 foot tall cattail like weeds growing...
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    plant split at fork where topped

    also, i used 2 heavy boot laces to wrap it, i started above the fork and worked down, wrapping like a bandage, overlapping, and tied tight, but not cutting. i gotta fix some cover now tho
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    plant split at fork where topped

    thats what i was hoping, i have a sunflower in the front yard my 3 year old broke off at the ground, and it was just this floppy dick vine, it made a fucking sunflower laying ther on the ground.but now i got this 12 foot monster staked up in my backyard, and all the other shit thats normally...
  16. L

    jesus need advice quick!!!

    man it sux, cuz it isnt like half the plant fell over, the plant is a giant y and each side went each way. i tied it well, not too tight but tight enough you cant see the crack, and i staked the plant as best i could, cuz its really wet out there and everything, is laying over, im not worried...
  17. L

    plant split at fork where topped

    i have one outdoor monster. probly 12 feet tall, topped at 4 feet of the ground. big ass Y looking plant. tonight the storm came thru, and it split, right at the Y. split, not broke off.down probly 6 inches. i immediately saw the damage and put the two sides of the fork back together, wrapping...
  18. L

    jesus need advice quick!!!

    i have one outdoor monster. probly 12 feet tall, topped at 4 feet of the ground. big ass Y looking plant. tonight the storm came thru, and it split, right at the Y. split, not broke off.down probly 6 inches. i immediately saw the damage and put the two sides of the fork back together, wrapping...
  19. L

    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    have you looked in the gloves? my seed from nirvana has come in a wrist wallet sample. i bet they are in the fingers or something
  20. L

    nirvana femed master kush cfl grow

    i know these pics suck, but this thing is outside, and its about 3 weeks into having juicy white hairs, but it is fucking huge! like 12 feet tall and growing. i hate to think about it, but man some of this top may have to go. its tied down, and surrounded by giant weeds they are maybe 15 feet...