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  1. solistics

    Anyone use dasani water? water your plants with Fiji water and refer to yourself as a baller? Wanker more like....
  2. solistics

    cutest dog on

    Here's my boy Ben... and his sister Nelly...
  3. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    Nor is the arrogant assumption that you above all are correct without exception. What precisely do you think I am wrong about?
  4. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    And filling in XYZ is my prerogative as a free thinking person. I'll note now that the evidence upon which you're basing your ABC didn't prove him to be innocent either. There was merely insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty. And look, I agree that in a...
  5. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    No argument from me there! That's the law and to a certain extent human nature. I can only speak for myself and I personally weighed all the information and formed an opinion of my own well after the verdict was passed not before. My opinion take into account not just the court case but all...
  6. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    I'm unclear as to what you're looking for here? Do you want me to illustrate the formula I used to rationalize my opinion? Am I to understand from this statement that you feel that you DO know the ABC's of the issue and I don't? If the "issue" you are referring to is that of the child sex...
  7. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    Oh how very droll! Give yourself a pat on the back for being so clever. But hey...since you asked. Without wanting to spend too much time debating the idea of free speech or said presentation of free speech in the form of a post on a forum, when one is a celebrity you put yourself on a...
  8. solistics

    how effective are carbon filters???

    I find my carbon filter 100% effective in my grow space.....the key is getting the right size and fan to match your growing area. I personally have a Phat Filter and mixed-flow fan. Odorsocks have a pretty bad rep with many finding them ineffective.
  9. solistics

    Michael Jackson is dead

    Fuck him! The world is a better place without him.....
  10. solistics

    need answer from a pro!

    There is NO way to reliably tell the sex of your plant until you either switch it to 12/12 or force at least one of the branches to do so by the use of a black paper bag or similar.
  11. solistics

    Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

    Hey look...that's fair. Look we're all strangers here brought together by our interest in growing. I don't expect people here to "know" me, my ethics, views, morals etc. based on a couple of posts. So no offense taken. That said, I'm married to an Irish Catholic and let's just say I like to...
  12. solistics

    Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

    I tend to agree. I'd like to think that we as a species have evolved sufficiently to no longer require the crutch that is religion. It's time o move on...evolve if you like...past this and on to a higher plane of consciousness that will allow us to better the world we live in today. Not...
  13. solistics

    Who wants to know how to get free seeds,,!??!?!

    What a fucking stain you are....away you go and think about it.