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  1. ram40man

    I'll show you mine if you show me yours.......Post YOUR PICS OF FROSTY MARIJUANA!

    that is a blackberry 7 feet tall and 4 ft around
  2. ram40man

    I'll show you mine if you show me yours.......Post YOUR PICS OF FROSTY MARIJUANA!

    here is some very tasty somango ready just in time for x-mas
  3. ram40man

    Anyone else Amazed???

    I've found 10 min in veg room & 20 in the flower room works better than the lttle blue pill Ask my DW about bending over to look at some fat
  4. ram40man


    dollar store buckets work great for me
  5. ram40man

    whats like

    same here dude. 2 mazars, totally diff looking plants. Both short & stocky but 1 has huge leaves with slender fingers & dark green, other 1 has smaller leaves & FAT fingers and is a lighter green. Both grown side by side under the same condition
  6. ram40man

    whats like

    here is some of their free mazar
  7. ram40man

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    thanks my first serious growbongsmilie
  8. ram40man

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    1 of my girls thc bomb
  9. ram40man

    planted 3 seeds, 1 male all three sprouted in 2 days. started under 3 tube fl. moved under 400...

    planted 3 seeds, 1 male all three sprouted in 2 days. started under 3 tube fl. moved under 400 mh in 1 week. kept light 12 inches above plus run osilating fan across top of plants during light cycle
  10. ram40man

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    man, I wish I knew. I have 4 100 watt soft white cfl's sitting an inch above the top of the plant plus a 400 w mh but shares space with 10 other girls. I have been finding a few gnats glued to few smaller leaves like fly paper. hope they burn good!
  11. ram40man

    Thc Bomb, Caramelicious and mystery beans, pics

    take a look at these large pics so please click it open
  12. ram40man

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    hows this look? click on pic large file
  13. ram40man

    First Grow / Journal - THC Bomb

    2 more pics
  14. ram40man

    whats like

    here are a few more pic
  15. ram40man

    1st grow but i am impressed. smells like a fresh cut christmas tree 26 days flowering and tops...

    1st grow but i am impressed. smells like a fresh cut christmas tree 26 days flowering and tops turning crystal white
  16. ram40man

    First Grow / Journal - THC Bomb

    I have 2 bombs flowering in 2 1/2 gallon buckets, 1 topped, 1 not and the 1 untopped became rootbound bad. bigger bucket next time. here is a pic
  17. ram40man

    whats like

    here is some thc bomb