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  1. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Those are nice and healthy looking
  2. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    The white widow was 8 weeks to the day the others in the room are 4 and half weeks into flower the big one on the right is blueberry
  3. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Hey here is some white widow i just chopped and someother random pics
  4. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Looks great i cant wait to try it.
  5. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    That thread is unreal
  6. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Run the 600 :peace:
  7. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Dude i live in a area like that also i have a business u need to remember we live in CANADA LOL they wont even care especially in van. As for the cable guys i think it pure coincidence but u never know. Is the room close to were the cable line comes into the house? I got a guy i can ask and let...
  8. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Im using 400 w in each room
  9. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Hey guys been to busy to post but here is what im up to now. these pics are of 2 room the real big ones are orange bud the other room is bluberry and ww
  10. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Looks great i cant wait to try it
  11. 1oilfan

    Raided by the police

    I wish i could get the 30 seconds of time back that i wasted reading this idiots posts. I would love to walkout of a grocery store and have this kid and his glock try rob me it would be up his ass then in his mouth so fast he would not even be able to call for his mom but i guess he would be...
  12. 1oilfan

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Pic of the coal's of 2 of my plants:weed:
  13. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    I know of a company on van island that will help u get a licence to carry and smoke. They set u up with a grower but u still have to pay for it, its pretty cheap bud but still have to go through the hassle of having it mailed to u. All u need todo is fill out the forms from health canada take...
  14. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    I have serious medical issues myself and im alergic to almost all pain killers i asked my doc but he said he has no idea how or where to start and kinda pushed me out the door
  15. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Now thats what i call amazing. was it hard to get your licence in canada? what kind of nutes? I think i dream about your room lol:weed:
  16. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Thanks man next one is 2 white widow, 2 orange bud 2 northerlights 2 blueberry some are almost ready for flower right now:-P
  17. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Well its over. I will let u all know the final weight on 4 plants in each room under 400 watts in each room and doing hydro:leaf:
  18. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    Its called mission but i have no idea what kinds it actually is we made it
  19. 1oilfan

    hey almost ready u should stop by tomm

    hey almost ready u should stop by tomm
  20. 1oilfan

    Canadain Growers Club

    I love holidays in the sun and on the beach drinking rum and smoking cigars but something about about being back in CANADA that i love :bigjoint:heres some new pics. This is starting to look and smell so good