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    No cold air anywhere.

    Ive thought about that but I only have about 2 amps left on that breaker, so I'm not sure if that would work, but I do run my house air conditioner, which is why I thought co2 might be able to help me. If I had some sort of so2 system set up would it be important to exchange the air?
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    No cold air anywhere.

    :weed:Hello everyone. Ive been having some issues with heat that I posted about recently in another thread. I keep checking out the forums for ideas and Ive been reading a lot about fresh air intakes, which I know are important but, unfortunately, I have yet to actually implement one. I live in...
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    600 watts or 1000 watts

    I do believe that there are probably a few different factors that you should consider, other than the cost, before you decide between a 600w and a 1000w. If you have a smaller space, there are some advantages to having a lower watt system. The amount of usable light your plants get goes down as...
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    Cloning a Leaf??

    It was from a node I cut and jacked up, but I had alot more space for clones, so I dipped it and stuck it in. The very bottom, where I dipped it, was a node but all cut up. I left that leaf in there for like 3 weeks and seen it had rooted from the bottom of the pot. After about three weeks a...
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    Cloning a Leaf??

    dude....i cloned a leaf once.
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    too hot and summers coming

    Thanks all so much for the helpful replies. I am not quite sure what you mean by cool tubes, I have hoods that are sealed with glass so that ducting can be ran to them for air cooling, but I dont know if thats the same thing you are talking about. I have thought about getting a portable air...
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    too hot and summers coming

    Hi everyone, I visit this forum a lot and have found some very good advice on here, but I think its time for my first post, cuz I got some heat issues. I am growing indoors in a spare room. I have some plants flowering in a 4'11" x 4'11" secret jardin grow hut, with 2 400w HID lights. I have...